Monday, 18 January 2021

Given the circumstances we find ourselves in this semester, submission of Final Year Projects (FYPs) in spring 2021 will take place online. This year there is a two-step submission process, as follows:

  1. Please submit your FYP to Sulis by the deadline. There is an open assignment - FYPS 2020-2021 - on the RM4006/4002 (FYP preparatory module site from 19/20) and you should ensure that you can access this.
  2. You should also email your FYP directly to your supervisor(s).
  3. Hard copies are not required but your FYP should be still correctly formatted and presented appropriately.

The deadline for your FYP is 4pm on Thursday 18th February 2021 (week 4).

Please note also that there are some helpful details on word count, presentation etc in the FAQs section of SULIS.

Please also check the Announcements section of the Sulis site for the most up to date information & information regarding online resources and services to assist you with your FYP.

For any queries please email Dr Carrie Griffin FYP Co-ordinator: carrie.griffin@ul.ie alternatively you can email ahssfyp@ul.ie