Seen in the example below, sometimes icons are used instead of text or to supplement it.

The Alternative (Alt) Text for this image would be: "Telephone:"
Images that supplement other information
Images can supplement information given in the text content of the webpage.
The Alt Text should describe the information that's in the photo but not explained in the text.
If the text contains an explanation and the image doesn't provide any additional information, the image could be considered as being decorative.

In this example, the photo has been used to supplement news coverage about an event.
The Alt Text should provide additional information, showing that the group of attendees were pictured with a large cheque for €10,000.
The Alt Text should read: "The winning teams who were selected at the UL Citizens' Assembly pictured with a large cheque."
Images that convey an impression or emotion
Some images can give a certain impression or evoke a particular emotion when used on a webpage.
If the image is used on a webpage to simply make it look more visually appealing, the image should be considered as decorative.

This photo shows that UL is mature student-friendly.
The Alt text for this image would be: We encourage the enrolment of mature students.