Dé Luain 10 Márta / Monday 10 March


University Concert Hall

KneecapFilm Screening in association with the University Concert Hall

Sa bheathaisnéis cheannródaíoch seo faoi ghnéas, dhrugaí agus hip-hop, imríonn KNEECAP iad féin, ag scaipeadh teachtaireacht dhomhanda chun cultúir dhúchais a chosaint. / In this fiercely original sex, drugs, and hip-hop biopic, KNEECAP play themselves, laying down a global rallying cry for the defence of native cultures.

19.30 Ceoláras na hOllscoile / University Concert Hall


Dé Máirt 11 Márta / Tuesday 11 March 


An Cumann Gaelach logo (the Irish Language student society at UL)

Tae agus Plé

Maidin chaife leis an gCumann Gaelach / Tea and chats for students hosted by An Cumann Gaelach, the Irish language student society


Suíomh/Venue: Seomra na Gaeilge LCO-016, Languages Building 

Dé Céadaoin 12 Márta / Wednesday 12 March



Maidin chaife do phobal na hOllscoile/Coffee Morning for the UL community

10.30 – 11.30am

Suíomh/Venue: Seomra an Bhoird/Board Room, Teach Phleasaí/Plassey House  

Beidh tae, caife agus sóláistí ar fáil. / Tea, coffee and pastries will be available.


The language building

Píotsa & Plé / Pizza lunch 

Imeacht do chairde léinn na hollscoile á eagrú ag an gCumann Gaelach / student event organised by An Cumann Gaelach, the Irish language student society


Suíomh/Venue: Seomra na Gaeilge, LCO-016, Áras na dTeangacha 


The Globe space for international students

Gaeilge agus Fáilte

Déan roinnt Gaeilge shimplí a fhoghlaim leis an gCumann Gaelach i gcomhar le UL Domhanda / Learn some Irish with An Cumann Gaelach, the Irish language student society in association with UL Global


Suíomh/Venue: The Globe / An Chruinneog


Déardaoin 13 Márta / Thursday 13 March



Léamh Litríochta / Literary Reading 

Mar chuid de Féile an Earraigh ag OL Domhanda, déanfar an t-ilteangachas ar a gcampas a cheiliúradh agus léifidh cairde léinn a rogha míreanna litríochta ina gcuid teangacha féin mar chuid den ócáid. Cuirfear aistriúchán Béarla ar fáil. /  As part of the UL Global Spring Festival, this event showcases multilingualism on campus and features UL students reading their chosen excerpts in a variety of languages with English translation provided.


Suíomh/Venue: The Globe / An Chruinneog

Karol Mullaney-Dignam

Aoichainteoir / Guest Speaker: Dr Karol Mullaney-Dignam, Department of History, University of Limerick  in association with the Bernal Institute 

St Patrick’s Day: Origins and Traditions of Ireland’s National Holiday

13.00 - 14.00 

Venue: AD2-010

Dé Céadaoin 19 Márta / Wednesday 19 March


School of Design

School of Architecture, UL students in conversation

10.00-13.00 Comhrá Ailtireachta / School of Architecture students in conversation Cur i Láthair ó mhic léinn Scoil na hAiltireachta ar a gcuid tograí ailtireachta. /students from the School of Architecture, UL present a showcase of their projects through Irish .

Mar chuid den seisiún seo, spreagfar an dioscúrsa i dtaca le cúrsaí ailtireachta trí mheán na Gaeilge. Ina theannta sin, leagfar tábhacht nach beag ar na féidearthachtaí ag an nGaeilge le tograí agus le dearaí nuálacha a spreagadh in earnáil na hailtireachta./ The aim of the session is to provide the opportunity to speak about architecture through the Irish language, and to allow the chance for the Irish language to generate new thoughts about design and architecture.

Ionad/Venue: CG-042, Príomhstiúideo SAUL, Príomháras na hOllscoile. Beidh tae agus caife ar fáil./CG-042, SAUL Main studio, Main Building.  Tea and coffee will be available.

Gairmeacha le Gaeilge / Careers with Irish


An Cumann Gaelach, Ollscoil Luimnigh (UL Irish language student society) 

Suíomh/Venue: Seomra na Gaeilge LCO-016, Áras na dTeangacha/Languages Building