Call for Papers - History Studies Volume 25 (2024)
History Studies now invites articles for inclusion in Volume 25 of the Journal from undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and early-career researchers. For this issue, the editors particularly welcome submissions in the fields of social, gender, and cultural history and their relevant subfields, including but not limited to Black history, local history and heritage studies, the history of emotions, migration and immigration, LBGTQ history, sport, religion, and material culture. The journal welcomes submissions based on final-year projects, Masters dissertations, and doctoral theses.
History Studies, the journal of the University of Limerick’s history students, is the only student-produced history periodical in Ireland. It is a refereed publication celebrating diverse student research. Founded in 1998 the Journal’s readership has expanded to countries outside Ireland and over twenty-two years has become an established journal in the field of historical scholarship. Papers should be no more than 5,000 words in length, including footnotes, and should be sent as an email attachment in Word format to the address provided below. This address should also be used for any queries. The format and referencing of all submissions must comply with the Irish Historical Studies (IHS) referencing style.
The IHS ‘Rules for Contributors’ can be found here: https://historystudiesjournal.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/rulesforcontribs.pdf
Submissions/Queries: history.studies@ul.ie
Closing Date for Submissions: 31 October 2024