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Friday, 22 September 2023

Limerick History Research Seminar, 2023–2024

Organised by the Departments of History Mary Immaculate College & University of Limerick


Autumn Semester


Tuesday, 26 September 2023 – 5.30 p.m. – Room G08 (Foundation Building)

Dr Róisín Healy (University of Galway), ‘British and Prussian Rule on the Periphery: The Fenian and Polish Conspiracies of the mid-1860s Compared’


Tuesday, 17 October 2023 – 5.30 p.m. – Online (MS Teams)

Professor Sarah Covington (City University of New York), ‘Oliver Cromwell's Mad Proconsul: Daniel Axtell in Kilkenny’



Tuesday, 7 November 2023 – 5.30 p.m. – Room G08 (Foundation Building)

Dr Paul O’Brien (Mary Immaculate College), ‘From Cathedral to Castle: R. D. O’Brien, Land Agent (1844–1917)’

Dr Helene Bradley Davies, (Mary Immaculate College), ‘Limerick Blue Coats – Managing an Urban Charity School, 1724-1881’


Tuesday, 21 November 2023 – 5.30 p.m. – Room G08 (Foundation Building) & Online (MS Teams) Professor Roger Stalley (Trinity College Dublin), ‘Heroic monuments of the medieval past: Irish sculptors and the making of the high crosses’

This seminar will take place in-person but will also be available online.

For online attendance, please register in advance here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/prof-roger-stalley-limerick-history-researc…

Organised in conjunction with the MCHRI (Material and Cultural Heritages of Religion in Ireland research network)
Tuesday, 28 November


Tuesday, 28 November 2021 – 5.30 p.m. – Room G08 (Foundation Building)

Dr Huw Bennett (Cardiff University), ‘Uncivil War: The British Army and the Troubles, 1966-1975’


Everyone is very welcome.

For online seminars, registration in advance at the links above is essential.


For further information contact:

Dr Liam Chambers (Liam.Chambers@mic.ul.ie) Dr Brian Hughes (Brian.Hughes@mic.ul.ie)

Dr Richard Mc Mahon (Richard.McMahon@mic.ul.ie) Website: http://www.mic.ul.ie/academicdepts/history






Contact the School of History and Geography

The School of History and Geography is located in the Main Building in Room C1076
The Head of Department is Dr. David Fleming
Individual staff members can be contacted through the details on their profile pages in the staff section
Email: history@ul.ie
Phone: +353 61 202280