The DAAD-project Exploring the past, enhancing the current position, and working towards 250 years of German Studies in Ireland, 2022-2024 is led by Gisela Holfter (CIGS, University of Limerick), recent and current presidents of the GSAI (Joseph Twist, UCD; Marieke Krajenbrink, UL; Linda Shortt, MU and Michaela Schrage-Früh, UL), and the project’s Research Assistant Natascha Guggi (UL).
The project aims to promote German in Ireland. It’s overall purpose of the DAAD PGS programme is to stimulate and support outstanding research and dialogue on German themes – past and present, political, cultural and social – and in so doing to foster a deeper understanding of Germany and its role in Europe and the world.
The project is articulated in three strands.
- Strand 1 ‘Exploring and learning from the past’ is a book project with contributors from all Irish universities and several Institutes of Technology, resulting in a volume entitled ‘Rückblicke & Reflexionen. A History of German Studies in Ireland’ (published in 2023, for more information please click here).
- Strand 2 ‘Enhancing German Studies in Ireland today’ will include a needs analysis of German at third level institutions today, link up of online resources, feature seminars and workshops and provide more support for incoming colleagues and postgraduate students.
- Strand 3 will be a conference in 2024, entitled ‘Working towards 250 years of German Studies in Ireland’.

Strand 1 of the project resulted in the publication of a new volume of the Irish-German Studies series. For more information please click here.