Date: Thursday, 22 September 2022
Time: 1pm
Location: Plassey House

Féile Dánnerstag, the Irish-German-English poetry festival in the University of Limerick, was launched on Thursday September 22 2022 at 1.00 in Plassey House with a reading from the esteemed Irish language and Limerick-born poet, Gabriel Rosenstock. Tea, coffee and refreshments were available. Gabriel read a selection of poems in Irish and in their German and English translations, translated by Hans-Christian Oeser. There was also a short performance given by Diane Daly of the Irish Chamber Orchestra. The Directors of Féile Dánnerstag, Professor Gisela Holfter and Dr. Sorcha de Brún, wish to gratefully acknowledge the funding of Féile Dánnerstag by Foras na Gaeilge, and wish to thank Aonad na Gaeilge and the Centre of Irish-German Studies for their support. The next reading took part ahead of the Conference of the Centre for Irish-German Studies, celebrating 25 years: 1997-2022: Reflecting – Connecting – Transforming – In Honour of Prof. Joachim Fischer.

All welcome! 


Beidh Féile Dánnerstag, togra filíochta Gaeilge-Gearmáinis-Béarla, ag oscailt Déardaoin 22 Meán Fómhair 2022 ar 1.00 i dTeach Plassey, nuair a sheolfar an fhéile le léamh filíochta leis an bhfile iomráiteach Luimníoch Gabriel Rosenstock. Beidh tae, caifé agus sóláistí ar fáil. Léifidh Gabriel dánta as Gaeilge, agus iad aistrithe go Gearmáinis agus go Béarla, aistrithe ag Hans-Christian Oeser. Chomh maith leis sin,  beidh léiriú ceoil ann le Diane Daly ó Cheolfhoireann Aireagail na hÉireann. Tá Stiúrthóirí Dánnerstag, an tOllamh Gisela Holfter agus an Dr. Sorcha de Brún, an-bhuíoch d'Fhoras na Gaeilge as Féile Dánnerstag a mhaoiniú, agus as tacaíocht airgeadais Aonad na Gaeilge agus an Centre for Irish-German Studies. Beidh Féile Dánnerstag á hoscailt roimh Chomhdáil in omós don Ollamh Joachim Fischer a bheidh ar siúl san Ollscoil 22ú agus 23ú Meán Fómhair le 25 bliain CIGS a cheiliúradh: 1997-2022: Reflecting – Connecting – Transforming – In Honour of Prof. Joachim Fischer.

Fáilte roimh chách!