Book series Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (WTV) Breadcrumbs UL Home UL Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Centre for Irish-German Studies Image Irish-German Studies 16 - Rückblicke und Reflexionen. A History of German Studies in Ireland Image Irish-German Studies 15 - Unions, Break-Ups and Special Relationships Image Irish-German Studies 14 - The Children from Operation Shamrock. Historical Context, Testimonies and Fictionalized Memory Fragments Image Irish-German Studies 13 - Irish-German Diplomatic Relations (1929-2019) Image Irish-German Studies 12 - Recent Irish and British Migration to Berlin. A Case of Lifestyle Migration? Image Irish-German Studies 11 - Perceptions and Perspectives - Exploring Connections between Ireland and the GDR Image Irish-German Studies 10 - Forging Ireland - German Travel Writing from 1785-1850 Image Irish-German Studies 9 - Cultural/Literary Translators - Selected Irish-German Biographies II Image Irish-German Studies 8 - The Irish Context of 'Kristallnacht' - Refugees and Helpers Image Irish-German Studies 7 - Intellectuals and Europe - Imagining a Europe of the Regions in Twentieth Century Germany, Britain and Ireland Image Irish-German Studies 6 - Contemporary German-Irish Cultural Relations in a European Perspective Exploring Issues in Cultural Policy and Practice Image Irish-German Studies 5 - Heinrich Böll's Irisches Tagebuch in Context Image Irish-German Studies 4 - Creative Influences Selected Irish-German Biographies Image Irish-German Studies 3 - Intercultural Connections within German and Irish Children's Literature Image Irish-German Studies 2 - German-Irish Encounters Deutsch-Irische Begegnungen Image Irish-German Studies 1 - Yearbook of the Centre for Irish-German Studies 2001/2002