Being a member of UL Alumni offers you the opportunity to stay in contact with the University, your former classmates and the wider graduate body. With 81,000 graduates working around the world, UL Alumni provides a unique social and business network. UL has international chapters in London, New York, Boston, California, Europe and East Asia.
There is a now a School of Law Alumni group on LinkedIn, which has over 500 members. If you are a School of Law graduate, please send an email to Sinead.Eaton@ul.ie if you wish to join the group.
The site is useful for the advertisement of job opportunities, exchanging ideas, or news and for keeping in touch with fellow UL law graduates.
Alumni Gatherings
Over the last number of years the school and its graduates have been meeting informally in Dublin at six month intervals. Matheson Solicitors very kindly hosted the first gathering and the second was held in the Stephen’s Green Hibernian Club. Most recently Eversheds generously hosted the group and we now await an invitation from the Law Library alumni.
These Alumni gatherings have been organised by Sinead Eaton and the last one took place in the Stephens Green Hibernian Club. It revolved around an excellent talk on technology and the law by Barrister, Mr Gerard Groarke and was attended by 40 alumni and the Chancellor and former Chief Justice, The Hon Mr Justice John Murray.
Alumni Mentoring
Many of the Law Alumni are very happy to help current Law students at UL, to help them prepare for interviews and inform them about opportunities and firms. The school is very fortunate to have such wonderful graduates and Sinead often links LLM Commercial students or final year Law students with junior barristers, trainee solicitors, or those pursuing other careers.
The Alumni can mentor and advise current students by phone or email and this helps the students enormously on their journeys. This is best suited to 3rd and 4th year students; email Sinead Eaton at sinead.eaton@ul.ie for more details.