Each year masters students go on a visit to Limerick Prison, Henry Street Garda Station, and the Garda College – these visits remove discussions from the abstract in the classroom to the practicalities of the real world to facilitate students’ understanding of some of the realities associated with the criminal justice process.
Limerick Prison
Postgraduate students on the LLM/MA Human Rights in Criminal Justice programme gain a real-life insight into prison management and the importance of rehabilitating offenders during annual visits to Limerick Prison organised by Course Director, Dr Ger Coffey.
The prison staff in charge of organising training and educational activities for prisoners, as well as those with security and management responsibilities, discuss their responsibilities with students.

Henry Street Garda Station
LLM MA Human Rights in Criminal Justice students have the opportunity to avail of the annual visit to Henry Street Garda Station. Students are given a tour of the station which includes the reception area, interview rooms, detention cells, and communications room and also have the opportunity to meet members of An Garda Síochána to discuss their various roles. This helps students apply in-class discussions and theory to the practicalities of the criminal justice process.
Garda College
Students on the LLM MA Human Rights in Criminal Justice master’s programme, accompanied by Course Director Dr Ger Coffey, visit the Garda College annually, which provides the opportunity for students to gain an invaluable insight into the professional training programmes for members of An Garda Síochána. It is really beneficial for students to experience the College facilities, ethos, professionalism, and dedication of members.