School of Law - Examinations and Grading

This is a  resource for all information related to examinations, ensuring you have the knowledge and resources you need to excel academically.

Our academic calendars and Academic Regulations and Procedures outline important dates, regulations and policies that govern the examination process.

We also provide detailed grade descriptors and grading bands, giving you a clear understanding of how your work will be assessed and evaluated.

Our Teaching and Assessment Practices for Students detail the various methods of assessment that may be used during your studies, and how they will be marked and graded. This will allow you to approach your work with confidence and clarity.

Additionally, we offer script viewing for all students, allowing you to review your work and gain valuable feedback from your professors.

Script viewing - Autumn 2024

Under section 11 of Freedom of Information Act 2014, students have the right to request access to their own records, including exam scripts. In line with this statutory requirement, we are holding script viewing days on:

29th -30th January 2025

Venue: School of Law Boardroom (FG-028)

Times: 10.00am-4.00pm

Also an evening slot on both days : 6.00pm-7.00pm

This facility is available to those who sat a formal exam on campus during the Autumn  exam period.

Please note, this is not a recheck or appeal  facility. Please consult directly with Academic Registry if you wish to avail of these (see link at bottom of page)

Application Deadline: Friday 24th January 2025 at 5pm - note this deadline now extended to Monday 27th at 10am


Viewing Guidelines - Please read carefully.

  • Please fill out one form per script you wish to view
  • No late applications will be accepted. 
  • On the viewing days, please proceed to the viewing venue (as indicated above) bringing you UL ID card. You will not be admitted to the viewing rooms without this. 
  • No appointment is necessary although you may be asked to wait if you arrive at a busy time. 
  • You can return to view your script any number of times you wish within the allocated viewing times. 
  • Students may not be accompanied into the viewing room by another person/ie third party.
  • Calculators are permitted.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed while viewing scripts
  • No other script viewing forms from any other faculty (KBS etc) will be accepted. The School of Law script viewing form can only be filled out for a law module for which an on-campus, end of semester exam was taken.
  • You can bring in your own notepaper and take notes if you so wish, but you will not be allowed to write on your exam paper. 
  • Note that the invigilators are present in the room to supervise the viewings, they are not in a position to advise students about the content of their exam papers. 
  • Following on from a script viewing, any student can apply to have their grade rechecked if they so wish. If this is the case, please contact Academic Registry directly. Note that there is a fee of €25 per script (see link below)
  • The application link will be live at 9am Monday 20th January and will close promptly at the closing deadline. You will not be able to access the link  before this time or after the closing deadline.

Please also note that students must adhere to the annual repeat registration and grade recheck deadlines as indicated in the Academic Calendar 2024/25 | University of Limerick (, regardless of the script viewing outcome.

Application link:

Script viewing form


What should a student do if they are unhappy with a grade?

Should a student consider that they may have been assigned an incorrect grade, a clear procedure is provided for in the Academic Regulations (link above). The student may request a recheck of the grade within two weeks of the relevant semester results becoming available. To request a recheck, the student must complete the appropriate form (available from the Academic Registry office) and pay a fee.

After receiving the appropriate form, the relevant  academic staff member will then (and only then)  review the script for accuracy. The recheck request form will be returned to the Student Academic Administration Office with the decision noted on it (including any change of grade). It should be noted that, should the grade recheck so determine, grades may be changed to lower or higher grades.

You are required to follow this process. You should not therefore directly contact the relevant academic staff member in respect of a grade recheck.

Should a student not be satisfied with the outcome of the grade recheck, they may appeal the matter to the Head of Department responsible for the module. The appeal must be made within two weeks of the publication of the grade recheck result. To appeal a grade recheck, the student must complete the appropriate form (available from the Student Academic Administration Office) and pay a fee.

The appeal must be on stated grounds and should include a full and complete statement on why the student believes the grade awarded is incorrect. It should be noted that, should the grade appeal so determine, grades may be changed to lower or higher grades.

You are required to follow this process. You should not therefore directly contact the relevant academic staff member in respect of a grade appeal.