Group of students pictured outside Henry Street Garda Station, Limerick city
Monday, 7 March 2022

On Monday 7 March, LL.M./M.A. Human Rights in Criminal Justice masters students visited Henry Street Garda Station to experience the practicalities and challenges associated with an operational divisional Garda station.

Students were given a comprehensive and interactive tour of the garda station by Detective Garda Mark Deasy and Detective Garda Cathal O’Sullivan, which included the reception area, interview rooms, communications room, Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), custody suite. Students also met with members to discuss aspects of their work.

Students also met with members of the Armed Support Unit and were shown an array of non-lethal and lethal weapons that may be used in combatting serious threats of force.

The importance of human rights in policing and the use of force, transparency and accountability were emphasised throughout the tour.

This experiential active learning opportunity served to remove discussion from the abstract in academic seminars and this in turn facilitated students’ deep and flexible understanding of some the practical issues and challenges in policing contemporary society.

We are incredibly grateful to members of An Garda Síochána at Henry Street Garda Station for facilitating the active learning experience for students, who gained valuable insights into some of the practicalities of policing modern Ireland.

The opportunity to interact with members of An Garda Síochána, and learn from their practical experiences, enhanced students’ knowledge and understanding of policing and human rights in the criminal justice process.

The event was organised by Dr Ger Coffey, Course Director, LLM/MA in Human Rights in Criminal Justice and member of the Centre for Crime, Justice & Victim Studies.