doctor alan cusack and professor paul mccutcheon
Tuesday, 6 February 2024

On 1 February 2024, Professor Paul McCutcheon and Dr. Alan Cusack delivered an inaugural lecture as part of a pioneering new professional training programme for officials within the Department of Justice.
The professional training programme consists of two bespoke modules. One of the modules, Fundamentals of Law (Online), is currently offered by the School of Law as a micro-credential module. This module provides a unique opportunity for students to develop the necessary knowledge and understanding of the legal system in Ireland, and to engage in inter-professional education with colleagues and academic staff. The second module, Essentials of Criminal Law, is covering criminal law and criminal procedure.

This programme builds on the School of Law’s established track record in delivering outstanding professional training programmes for a range of Irish criminal justice agencies (including An Garda Síochána, Criminal Assets Bureau, Revenue). It promises to embed the University of Limerick at the forefront of national policy innovation in the direction of securing access to justice, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We in the School of Law are proud to say that much of our work furthers these SDG's, especially Goal 16, Peace Justice and Strong Institutions.

Comhghairdeachas Professor McCutcheon and Doctor Cusack!