REPPP team members Caitlin Lewis and Edel Kelly Cannon presented on the role and work of the Youth Diversion Project (YDP) Research & Development Team at yesterday's YDP National Conference in Croke Park. In particular, the invaluable work of YDP trainers was recognised with excellent presentations by Youth Justice Workers Amy O’Halloran (Edge YDP) and Niamh Ryan (West Limerick YDP) who shared their experiences of delivering training to the YDP Network.
Attendees also heard about the opportunity for Youth Justice Workers to apply for the Department of Justice Bursary to undertake a Masters in Human Rights in Criminal Justice in UL. To date, over 60 Youth Justice Workers have successfully completed the Masters, enhancing their own professional capacity while also contributing to the Youth Justice body of research and knowledge.
School of Law UL Adjunct Professor John Bamber presented on the new Accreditation Scheme which will recognise excellence in YDP practices.