The current Director of the International Commercial and Economic Law Research Group is Raymond J Friel and he may be contacted at:
About ICEL
The International Commercial and Economic Law Research Group was established in 2003. The Group is comprised of researchers at the School of Law at the University of Limerick in various fields related to commercial and economic law.
On a practical level, commercial and economic law have a far greater influence on the everyday lives of citizens than many other areas of the law. Throughout the course of our lives, all of us will encounter the legal process in our economic activity on a regular, if not daily, basis.
The regulation of economic activity is a crucial factor in most modern economies, being regarded as both a potential facilitator of economic growth and a balancing mechanism between the interests of the commercial world and the citizen.

Thus the Group researches topics of everyday relevance including, but not limited to, the enforcement of agreements between individuals and legal entities, the liability of both private and state actors for harm caused unintentionally to others, the protection of legitimate commercial interests such as property ownership, copyright, and patents, the regulation of the employment relationship within a greater societal context, and the legal consequences of both professional and amateur sporting activities.

The Group is fortunate in that it has a strong network of overseas partners and contributors in these areas of specialisation, in particular from Europe and North America. This network permits both comparative research as well as access to an extensive range of expertise for our student body.
ICEL organises many activities including, but not limited to, conferences and events such as the monthly IP Law Café, Tort Law: Compensation or Accident Culture, Labour Law in the 21st Century, Drones and the Law: Coming to the Sky Near You, Reforming Insolvency, and Comparative EU and US Advertising Law.
ICEL also host numerous visiting professors which provide for an exciting community of scholars, including Professor William Murphy (University of New Hampshire), Professor Carol Rasnic (Virginia State University) Professor Christopher Symes (University of Adelaide), Professor John McKay (Seattle University), and Professor Steve McAllister (University of Kansas) among others.