The Community Law Programme is run by the School of Law in conjunction with the Access Campus, UL, and Community Law and Mediation Limerick.

The course aims to introduce members of the wider community to the study of law and to invite them on to the UL campus to experience what it is like to attend classes at the University. Each year topics are chosen with the help of Donal O’Leary from the Access Office in UL and Caroline Keane from Community Law and Mediation Limerick. Staff and postgraduate students from the School of Law and staff from Community Law and Mediation deliver introductory lectures on a number of topics.

Topics covered

  • Family Law
  • The Rights of Victims of Crime
  • EU Law
  • Sport and the Law
  • Law Surrounding the Making of a Will
  • Cyber bullying
  • Children and the Law
  • Medical Law
  • Constitutional Law

Over the years, the course has grown in popularity and on average 30 students attend the 5-week course that usually takes place from 10 am to 12 noon on a Friday in the Spring Semester; at the end of the course the participants receive a certificate.

Members from the regeneration areas of Limerick City South, people in Direct Provision, and a transition year group will be in attendance. For more information, contact Donal O'Leary at