The Centre for Applied Language Studies is delighted to host the following webinar:
Audiovisual Translation: Disciplinary Crossroads and Multilingualism
Dr Mercedes Enríquez-Aranda
Monday, 4 April, 16.00, on MS Teams (Click here to join the meeting)
Abstract: Audiovisual translation is a field of translation in which the disciplinary crossroads converges in its three poles of translatological and translation activity: academic research, professional practice and teaching.
This webinar proposes a review of these three poles of audiovisual translation. On the one hand, current research trends and the permeability they offer to the inclusion of interdisciplinary research perspectives are reviewed. On the other hand, the demands of the labor market are examined in search of professional skills that require key competences in the performance of multidisciplinary activities. Finally, it is assessed to what extent academia and profession converge in the transdisciplinary teaching of audiovisual translation.
Based on this, the main lines of inter/multi/transdisciplinary cooperation that audiovisual translation may take as a guide to consciously integrate its three dimensions are proposed, and significant examples of the presence of multilingualism in this field are offered.
Bio: Dr Mercedes Enríquez-Aranda is a Senior Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Malaga (Spain).
She holds a PhD in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Malaga, with her main fields of research being reception studies in translation (literary translation, audiovisual translation and media accessibility) and translator’s training.
She has published widely, both nationally and internationally, in these fields, with her research arising from regional, national and European research projects and international research stays.
She is a member of the Translation, Literature and Society (HUM-623) research group and a Sworn Translator of the English language, accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Her working languages are Spanish, English, French and Italian.