Page Updated: 18/03/2025 - 16:10

French, German and Spanish Language Upskilling 
for primary school teachers

The School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics at the University of Limerick offers French, German and Spanish Language Upskilling for primary school teachers. This course is free* for participants as the training is funded by the Department of Education and administered by PPLI / Languages Connect, which introduces Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) within the Primary School setting as part of a redeveloped Primary Language Curriculum. 

*Free upon completion and attendance of 80% of classes

Course format: 

  • Entry level: from CEFR level A2.1 (see below*)
  • Mode of delivery:  online and one half-day on campus
  • Course duration:4-hour in-person workshop / 20 hours online (2 hours per week, 10 weeks)
  • Course schedule:  2 hours per week over 10 weeks (starting 31st March, excluding the Easter holidays)
  • Course content: Online classes focus on interactive language learning and the on-campus session will provide practical classroom application to enhance your teaching
  • Contact information:
  • Registration: Registrations now closed
    (registrations close Tuesday 18 March at 4pm)

*What is CEFR A2.1? 
A2.1 - You studied the language in the Leaving Certificate, but it has been a long time and you remember just the basics (including past tense). You can talk about easy topics such as family, hobbies, your weekend, in the restaurant etc. (see details below)

Why MLAL? 

MLAL has a long-standing expertise and experience in foreign language teaching and learning. We also provide high-quality teacher education courses and upskilling for primary and secondary language teachers.  

Who are the teachers? 

The teachers who provide these courses are native speakers and have experience teaching languages at primary school level. 

Audrey Parent (French tutor)

L'apprentissage des langues dès l'école primaire ouvre les esprits des enfants à d'autres cultures et améliore leurs capacités cognitives, leur offrant ainsi un avantage précieux pour leur avenir.

Audrey Parent
Marah Moloney-Weissbrich

Marah Moloney-Weissbrich (German tutor)

Ich finde es gut, in der Grundschule mit Fremdsprachen zu beginnen, weil Kinder in diesem Alter von Natur aus neugierig sind. Früh mit Fremdsprachen zu beginnen, nimmt die Angst vor anderen Sprachen und erweitert das kulturelle Bewusstsein. 

Angel Catala Sempere (Spanish tutor)

Aprender idiomas a una temprana edad es fundamental para despertar el interés en otras lenguas y culturas. Ese interés se verá nutrido por los docentes en cada paso de su camino estudiantil.  

Angel Catala Sempere
Languages Connect

This upskilling programme is funded by the Department of Education and administered by PPLI / Languages Connect