Esteemed Irish language poets Áine Ní Ghlinn and Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha were the guest poets at the latest instalment of Irish-German poetry project Dánnerstag on Thursday November 21st.
There was a full house in attendance when Áine and Laoighseach read their poetry at the trilingual poetry event (Irish, German and English) in Seomra na Gaeilge.
Past student Brian Roynane (Applied Languages: Irish, German and Spanish) translated Áine's poems to German, Theo Dorgan translated Áine's to English and Laoighseach's poems were translated to German by Brian Roynane.
The event culminated in a poetry reading and the making of a short film on the Living Bridge.
Laoighseach's poem 'Aiteall' was composed some years back on the Living Bridge, and references the University of Limerick.
The event was attended by staff and students, as well as members of the wider Limerick community.
Dánnerstag is the Irish-German poetry project that is organized by Directors Professor Gisela Holfter and Dr Sorcha de Brún, and is now in it's fourth year.
The funders of the project this year are Foras na Gaeilge and Aonad na Gaeilge, and Dánnerstag is very grateful to Aonad na Gaeilge and Ciara Considine for their continued support of the project.