Studying German
Whether you choose to study German for the four years of your programme or as an elective for one to two years, we hope that you will enjoy the experience. If you have already learned some German at school, you have probably concentrated on basic communication skills, such as talking about yourself and your family, asking and giving directions, and so on. Studying German at university builds on this knowledge; you will have the opportunity to develop both fluency and accuracy in your writing and speaking and to learn about the cultures of the German-speaking countries.
Studying German is about developing the linguistic, cultural, historical, political and professional framework within which to root your learning of the language. It is about developing academic skills, challenging established ideas, formulating, presenting and defending your own arguments, while being ready to accept those of others; it is about thinking for yourself and developing a better understanding of yourself and your own cultural heritage through the study of another language and other peoples. It puts you in a powerful position – it is only through understanding other people and appreciating their perspective on the world, even if we do not share it, that we can truly learn to communicate. Much of this understanding you will pick up in spending time studying and/or working in a German-speaking environment, but there is still much you can do while you are here in Limerick. Take every opportunity to come into contact with native speakers, make use of the resources round about you (particularly in the Language Resource Area and the library, be curious, be demanding of your lecturers, your fellow students and yourselves.
Courses in which you can study German
LM044 - BA in Applied Languages
LM002 - Bachelor of Arts
LM040 - BA in European Studies
LM029 - Bachelor of Laws (Law Plus)
LM050 - Bachelor of Business Studies with German
LM056 - BA International Business
LM039 - Journalism and Digital Communication
LM091 - Bachelor of Education in Languages
Jean Conacher
Professor in German Studies / Section Leader
Phone: +353 61 234218
Email: jean.conacher@ul.ie