Dr. Sorcha de Brún of Léann na Gaeilge will give a seminar today on her research on 'Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire' and Peig as part of the Feminist Network Series organized by Drs Emma Dolan and Cecilia Benaglia. The seminar takes place on Teams at 12pm.
Tabharfaidh an Dr. Sorcha de Brún ó Léann na Gaeilge seimineár ar a cuid taighde ar 'Caoineadh Airt uí Laoghaire' agus ar Peig mar chuid de Shraith an Líonra Fheiminigh in Ollscoil Luimnigh arna eagrú ag an Dr Emma Dolan agus an Dr Cecilia Benaglia. Tosnóidh an seimineár ar 12 inniu.
Meeting ID: 310 941 063 57
Passcode: pcd4RW
Class Privilege and Elitism: From Peig to ‘Caoineadh Airt uí Laoghaire’
The seminar will briefly compare a number of works in which women feature, including Peig: A Scéal Féin (1936) and ‘Caoineadh Airt uí Laoghaire’. Described by Declan Kiberd as ‘rejecting all ideas of authority, power and deference’ (2015) this seminar will argue a different interpretation. It will show that the main tropes of the poem demonstrate an ongoing concern for high social status, privilege and a hierarchical worldview and that 'Caoineadh Airt uí Laoghaire' needs to be re-appraised in this light. It will demonstrate that, far from aligning herself with her politically and economically marginal Irish speaking neighbours, the values outlined by the female narrator in ‘Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire’ are closely aligned with those of the English colonizers. Furthermore, this seminar will suggest that some of the basis for the ongoing veneration of 'Caoineadh Airt uí Laoghaire' - and the rejection of other works in Irish - rests as much with processes of mythologization and gentrification in Irish language cultural institutions as with the works themselves.
Ceisteanna Pribhléide agus Éilíteacha i nua-litríocht na Gaeilge: Ó Peig go 'Caoineadh Airt uí Laoghaire'
Tá curtha síos déanta ag Declan Kiberd ar 'Caoineadh Airt uí Laoghaire' mar shaothar a dhéanann 'rejecting all ideas of authority, power and deference’ (2015). I gcontrárthacht leis an tuairim seo, féachfaidh an seimineár seo ar an tslí go bhfuil tábhacht faoi leith le cúrsaí pribhléide, stádais agus cliarlathais i CAUL. As anailís a dhéanamh ar fhriotal agus mhóitífeanna an dáin, léireoidh taighde an Dr. de Brún ar CAUL sa seimineár seo gur giorra mentalité agus luachanna Eibhlín Dhubh do lucht an chóilíneachais, agus dá naimhde gallda, ná dá comharsana Gaelacha. Déanfar comparáid idir sin agus Peig: A Scéal Féin (1936) maidir le hábhar agus le glacadh. Is éard a bheidh á áiteamh sa seimineár ná go mbaineann cuid den mheas atá ar CAUL le próiseas an uaislithe agus an mhiotaseolaithe i gcomhthéacs níos leithne.