The videos shown here are of a reading by Áine Ní Ghlinn and Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha on the Living Bridge on November 21, 2024 after the reading in Seomra na Gaeilge of Dánnerstag. On Thursday, 21 November 2024, the bilingual (Irish-German) poetry reading event Dánnerstag took place at the University of Limerick, sponsored by Foras na Gaeilge and supported by Aonad na Gaeilge. This event, a play on the Irish word “dán” (poem) and the German “Donnerstag” (Thursday), was first organized in 2021 by Gisela Holfter and Sorcha de Brún with German, Austrian and Swiss poets with wonderful videos that are still available on the Centre for Irish German Studies website (https://www.ul.ie/artsoc/irish-german/dannerstag).
Reading: https://youtu.be/jJNdZjgf8EM
This year, two Irish poets, Áine Ní Ghlinn and Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha, shared their work. Áine Ní Ghlinn read poems about child abuse, displacement, and dementia. Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha presented poems from her collection “Baile an Eibhir,” exploring cultural shock and the nuances of Irish culture. The poems were translated by Brian Ronayne, past student of Léann na Gaeilge. Special thanks are due to Ciara Considine and Aonad na Gaeilge for their work and financial support. Thanks to Lara Walser, Paula Riese, video editor Ollie Phillips, Brian Roynane and Ciara Considine.
Reading: https://youtu.be/3wNopXsJ4GE
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