Dr. Sorcha de Brún of Léann na Gaeilge in the School of English, Irish, and Communication will give an invited talk in the Long Room Hub in Trinity College Dublin this Friday, International Women's Day, 8th March 2024.
This talk is part of a day-long conference which celebrates women's scholarship in Irish language Studies, Ceiliúradh ar Scoláireacht na mBan agus ar Cheist na hInscne i Léann na Gaeilge. Sorcha's lecture will focus on the intersectionality of class, work and gender discrimination in the well-known Irish language text Peig: A Scéal Féin (1998).
Her talk 'Beathaíodh go maith ina bhunóic é: Aicme, Obair agus Inscne in Peig: A Scéal Féin (1998)' [Class, Labour and Gender in Peig: A Scéal Féin (1998] is based on her forthcoming publication (March 2024) with the Open Library of Humanities based at Birkbeck, University of London.
Sorcha’s lecture will examine how Peig’s status as a servant girl in the nineteenth century shares universal themes of housing instability, gender discrimination and class conflict with women’s autobiographies of the same period from around the globe, for example, China, Africa and India.
The event will be launched by Professor Lorraine Leeson, Associate Vice Provost for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Trinity College Dublin. This event is free; however, participants are encouraged to register for the event on Eventbrite.
Contact Us
Email: eic@ul.ie ,
Phone: +353 61 202218,
Postal Address: School of English, Irish, and Communication, ER3019, University of Limerick, Ireland