Widyarini Susilo Putri is a PhD candidate at the School of English, Irish, & Communication. Her research interests include gender stereotypes and females in folktales.
Project Title
A Study to Explore Female Characterisation in Traditional Indonesian Folktales and Underlying Influences.
Project Description
The research explores the representation of women in Indonesian folktales and examines their role in reinforcing stereotypes within Indonesian society. The focus is on prominent folktales from East Java, Indonesia. Data were collected through two primary methods: first, by conducting interviews with storytellers from local cultural communities in East Java, and second, by sourcing printed versions from Indonesian government institutions.
Project Funding
BPI (Center for Higher Education Funding) managed by LPDP (Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Agency)
Awards and Honours
- Awardee of the Indonesian government PhD scholarship (2022-2026)
- Awardee of the Indonesian government Pre-doctoral scholarship (2021-2022
- Associate degree of Language Universitas Brawijaya, Bachelor of Arts Universitas Brawijaya and Master of Arts Universitas Gadjah Mada
Professional Memberships
The member of The International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR)
- The Possible Influences of Literary Oral Tradition on Gender Constructions in Indonesian Society (2024)
- Supporting United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals Number 5 Regarding Gender Equality Issues Through Folktales in Character Education Settings (2023).
Contact Us
Email: eic@ul.ie ,
Phone: +353 61 202218,
Postal Address: School of English, Irish, and Communication, ER3019, University of Limerick, Ireland