Friday, January 27th in Washington DC, School of Engineering PhD candidate, Giuseppe Sciascia collected the award for best student paper at SciTech, the world’s premier aerospace conference.
Giuseppe’s paper tilted, “Dynamic performance of hygro-thermal-mechanically preloaded variable stiffness composite fairing structures” won The Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton Student Paper Award in Structures which recognizes an outstanding graduate-level, structures related paper, based on manuscript and presentation quality.
Previous winners of the SciTEch global competitions are:
- 2021: Aileen Bowen and co-authors Dr Giovanni Zucco and Professor Paul Weaver won the Lockheed Martin Student Paper Award in Structures at SciTech virtual event.
- 2020: Ciarán McHale, won Best Student Paper in Composites award at SciTech in Florida.
- 2019: Professor Paul Weaver and Gearóid Clancy received the Collier Research HyperSizer,Best Paper Award at SciTech Forum in Florida. This award recognizes a top ranking SDM conference Structures Track paper and contribution to the aerospace community.
AIAA SciTech Forum and its predecessors have been delivering aerospace research and technology findings that have driven innovative developments for more than 50 years.
The 2023 program explored how aerospace is solving societal grand challenges, the funding resources available, the intersection of science and engineering, accelerating confidence in this digital world, and making Sci-Fi a reality.
The event brought together over 5,000 participants from across the globe, and featured nearly 3,000 technical presentations along with 70+ high-profile speakers and panelists participating in the plenary sessions.