Monday, 3 October 2022

Congratulations to our friend and colleague Professor Stuart Hampshire on receiving the W. David Kingery Award of the American Ceramic Society for distinguished lifelong achievements involving multidisciplinary and global contributions to ceramic technology, science, education, and art.

Stuart Hampshire, FACerS, is professor emeritus of Materials Science at University of Limerick, Ireland. Following graduation from the University of Sheffield in ceramics technology, he worked in industry on nitride-bonded refractories before undertaking a Ph.D. at the University of Newcastle on sintering of nitride ceramics and post-doctoral research on oxynitride glasses. Hampshire developed the first degree program in materials science at the University of Limerick and established a research group on ceramic and glass materials. In 1999 as a founding member of the Materials and Surface Science Institute (now a major part of the Bernal Institute)

He successfully led a bid for €16 million for state of-the-art laboratories and analytical facilities. He received the University of Limerick’s Award for Excellence in Research in 2007 and was conferred with an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Limoges, France, in 2009.

More details regarding Professor Hampshire’s research activities can be found by  here