Stuart Hampshire
Primary Research Pillar: Energy
Research Area: Ceramics and Glass Science
BScTech(Hons), PhD, Doct. Hon. Caus. (Limoges)
Stuart is Professor Emeritus of Materials Science at the University of Limerick after serving as Chair of Materials Science for 17 years (1996-2012). He developed a new B.Sc. in Materials Science (1983-1985) and was Course Director until 1993. He was Director of the Materials Ireland Research Centre (1991-2007) working with Enterprise Ireland to support Irish industry in areas of Materials Technology. He served as Associate Dean and Associate Vice President, Research (1997-2002) and successfully led the University’s applications to the Irish government for infrastructure funding (€16.5 million) which allowed the establishment of the Materials and Surface Science Institute (MSSI) with a new dedicated building and state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment. MSSI further expanded and led to the formation of the Bernal Institute.
Research Interests: Stuart generated and sustained active research programmes with personal funding of ~€10 million on: Relationships between composition, sintering, microstructural development, structure and properties of silicon nitride based ceramics and nanocomposites, other ceramics for energy, electronic and flitration applications, oxynitride glasses and glass-ceramics and derivatives, oxynitride and phosphate based bioactive glasses. He has published over 200 papers in international peer-reviewed journals:
International Profile: Stuart is a recognised expert internationally on silicon nitride based ceramics and oxynitride glasses and has given more than 80 invited lectures around the World. He was a Visiting Scientist at l’École Nationale Supérieure de Céramique Industrielle (E.N.S.C.I.), Limoges, France (1987, 1988, 1990); Guest Scientist, Government Industrial Research Institute, Nagoya, Japan (1989); Visiting Professor, University of Rennes I, France (1996, 1997, 2010), and at the University of Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis (now Université Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France), France (2010-2015), where he was involved in supervision and mentoring of researchers involved in special glasses for biomedical applications.
Awards and Honours: Stuart received the prestigious Stuijts Award of the European Ceramic Society in Berlin, 2007; the International Bridge Building Award of the American Ceramic Society (Engineering Ceramics Division), 2008. He was conferred with Doctorate Honoris Causa by the University of Limoges, France, 2009. He was further honoured by the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) with a Symposium in his Honor (8th Intl. Symp. Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies) as part of the 38th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, Florida (2014) and was conferred with the ACerS W. David Kingery Award (2022) Stuart Hampshire - The American Ceramic Society which recognizes distinguished lifelong achievements involving multidisciplinary and global contributions to ceramic technology, science, education and art.
Membership of Societies:
World Academy of Ceramics : Academician (1990); Nominations Committee (2011-2015);
European Ceramic Society (ECerS) ecers - Home: Fellow (2013); Permanent Executive Committee (2015-19); ECerS Council - one of 2 Irish representatives (2011-present) ecers - Council members; Chair, R&D Working Group (2014-17); Co-chair, Symposium on High Temperature Sintering at 14th ECerS Conference, Toledo, Spain, June 2015.
American Ceramic Society (ACerS) Fellow (2007); W. David Kingery Award Committee (2009-2012); ACerS Officers Nominations Committee (2014-2017); ACerS Medal of Advancement sub-committee (2018-2023). Frequent invited lecturer at the ACerS International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites held each year in January at Daytona Beach, Florida.
Stuart has served on a number of Irish national committees including the Royal Irish Academy Engineering Sciences Gold Medal Awards Panel (2015). He has served on Editorial/Advisory Boards of 10 peer-reviewed journals. He worked as a Section Editor on the Encyclopaedia of Materials Science: Technical Ceramics and Glasses (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Michael Pomeroy, UL) published by Elsevier in 2021.
Additional Links
World Academy of Ceramics : Academician (1990); Nominations Committee (2011-2015);
European Ceramic Society (ECerS) : Fellow (2013); Permanent Executive Committee (2017-19) ; ECerS Council – one of 2 Irish representatives (2011-present); Chair, R&D Working Group (2014-17); Co-chair, Symposium on High Temperature Sintering at 14 th ECerS Conference, Toledo, Spain, June 2015:
American Ceramic Society (ACerS) : Fellow (2007); W. David Kingery Award Committee (2009-2012); ACerS Officers Nominations Committee (2014-2017); ACerS Medal of Advancement sub-committee (2018-2023). Frequent invited lecturer at ICACC:
Stuart has served on a number of Irish national committees including the Royal Irish Academy Engineering Sciences Gold Medal Awards Panel (2015).
He has served on Editorial/Advisory Boards of 10 peer-reviewed journals and currently acts as Associate Editor of J. Ceramics and J. Asian Ceramic Societies. He worked with Michael Pomeroy on Encyclopaedia of Materials Science: Technical Ceramics and Glasses.