Car parking is provided on campus for the use of staff, students, others employed on the campus and visitors to the campus. The University does not guarantee car park spaces being available for any vehicle, nor does the University accept liability for any loss from or damage to any vehicle using the campus, however caused. Users of the car parks do so entirely at their own risk and subject to this policy. For general enquiries please email
There are 3026 parking spaces in total on campus; 645 on the North Bank and 2381 on the South Bank.
Parking spaces provided on campus are divided into the following categories:
- Reserved for Staff: Available exclusively to staff of UL who display a valid parking permit
- Free Open Parking: Available to staff, students, and visitors to the campus
- Pay Car Parking: Provided at a fee, which is displayed at the entrance/exit
- Reserved Visitor Parking: Available by e-mail booking to The reservation must be authorised by the administrator of the department requesting the reservation and reserved for Visitors only.
- Essential Maintenance and ITD Service Vehicle Parking: Specified areas adjacent to buildings for maintenance and ITD vehicles to park in to enable essential day-to-day service, maintenance, and delivery functions to be carried out.
Refer to Campus Maps for Parking Locations
Car parking is controlled through the use of parking permits. Only vehicles, displaying a valid parking permit (clearly displayed on the front windscreen), may park in staff car parks. Any other vehicle, with the exception of a vehicle displaying an EU-recognised disabled driver's permit (parked in a disabled driver's space), is liable to be clamped.
Parking spaces, where defined, are laid out so as to provide safe entry, exit, circulation around, and manoeuvre within car parks. Cars not parked in designated spaces (whether displaying a permit or not) are liable to be clamped.
Vehicles parked so as to cause an obstruction to other vehicles, to emergency access routes, or to emergency exit doors, or vehicles parked on footpaths are liable to be clamped and/or towed away. No parking is permitted on campus roads.
One permit only, per vehicle registration number, will be issued free of charge during any validity period to any whole-time or job-sharing member of staff of UL or associated companies or approved teaching postgraduate student. Parking permits remain the property of UL, are non-transferrable to a third party and UL reserves the right to withdraw, revoke or otherwise amend the permits, and the policy governing their issue, at its sole discretion.
Unacceptable use of a parking permit is as follows:
- Passing an unexpired permit to a third party
- A permit holder not being in the vehicle when availing of a staff parking space
- Availing of a car-pooling parking space when both permit holders are not in the vehicle
2024-2025 parking permits are issued by Buildings and Estates from Room AM-065 (Main Building) Monday to Wednesday only, between 14h30 - 16h00. For queries, please email
Two year permits (with a validity period of two years) are issued to staff of UL on production of a current UL Staff ID card.
One-year permits (with a validity period of one year) are issued to teaching postgraduates holding a current UL staff or student ID card and are renewable annually as appropriate. The one-year permits will only be issued to teaching postgraduates on production of evidence of scheduled teaching hours, from the UL staff member supervising the postgraduate and the vehicle registration documentation naming the applicant as the owner or insured driver of the vehicle. One year permits will also be issued to research staff and to short term contract staff holding a current UL Staff ID card.
Similarly, subject to verification by the Buildings and Estates Department, staff of associated UL companies and of companies contracted to provide a full-time continual service direct to UL are issued one-year permits on production of an approved list by the companies Manager/Director documentation.
Permits can be transferred from one vehicle to another provided the second vehicle is from the permit holders household or is a temporary transfer to a rental car. This has the benefit of allowing permit holders to change their vehicle, carry out vehicle repairs, etc. without having to apply for a replacement permit - the permit holder simply moves the permit to the alternative vehicle and notifies the Buildings and Estates Department of the change.
Replacement permits will be made available only under exceptional circumstances, subject to the approval of the Buildings Officer and at a fee to cover administration costs.
For queries please email
A number of dedicated carpooling spaces will be available (up to 10.00am Mon to Fri) in several staff car parks.
After 10.00am these will revert to standard staff spaces. These spaces are clearly marked with signage and road markings. The criterion for parking in one of these spaces is to have two valid staff parking disks on display. The security staff will check these every morning and any car found parked in violation of this policy will be liable to be clamped.
For queries please email
Due to the large number of vehicles on campus at any one time, it has been necessary to introduce vehicle clamping to control and manage parking for the benefit of the campus community and visitors to the university.
Violations of the car parking policy may result in a vehicle being clamped. In the event that a vehicle is in violation of the parking policy, a warning notice will be applied to the vehicle, advising the owner that failure to move the vehicle to an appropriate parking space within ten minutes of the notice being applied will result in the vehicle being clamped.
No warning notice will be given to vehicles parked in a disabled driver's space that do not display an EU-recognised disabled driver's permit. Such vehicles will be clamped immediately on detection.
Once a clamp has been deployed and locked into position, a release fee must be paid before the clamp will be removed. A vehicle that has been relocated and clamped is liable to a higher release fee.
Release fees may be paid at the Campus Security Centre located in building number 15 grid reference D4
Should a vehicle owner wish to appeal the clamping of their vehicle, they may do so by emailing and submitting the following information:
- Vehicle Registration Number
- Date of Clamping offence
- Clamping Fee Release Receipt Number
- Detail their reasons, why their vehicle should not have been clamped.
Appeals will be investigated by the Appeal's Committee and where it is found that the vehicle had not breeched the University of Limerick's parking policy, they may recommend a refund of the Clamping fee.
Should a vehicle owner wish to appeal the findings of the Clamping Appeals Committee’s decision they may do so by contacting the National Transport Authority at
Unauthorised removal of a clamp and/or damage to a clamp will be deemed to be a breach of the University's Parking Policy and will result in the revocation of a permit (if one is issued), the non-renewal of a permit at renewal date and/or proceedings being instituted against the vehicle owner, at the discretion of the university.
Cyclists coming on campus will be required to use the facilities (cycle paths/stands) provided by the University.
Bicycles are not permitted into the University's buildings. Cyclists are required to park their bicycles at official bicycle stands only.
Securing of a bicycle to any structure/shrubbery other than an official bicycle stand will result in the illegally parked bicycle being fitted with a "Security Lock". Owners of illegally parked bicycles can have the "Security Lock" removed by calling the Campus Security Centre located at the Reserved Visitor Parking (Building No. 15 on the campus map).
Any bicycle fitted with a "security lock" and not claimed by 8.00am the following day will be removed and stored for a period of 1(one) month. Owners must claim their bicycle within this month period, after which the University of Limerick may dispose of the bicycle. The University of Limerick will not be liable for any loss/cost for carrying out such action.
Unauthorised removal of a "security lock" and/or damage to the "security lock" will be deemed as interfering with University property and a breach of the University parking policy and may result in proceedings to be instituted against the bicycle owner, at the discretion of the University.
Bicycles parked in unauthorised areas causing a Health & Safety issues will be immediately removed. The University will not be liable for any damage to the bicycle/bicycle lock in the carrying out of this action.