Ceremony 1: Monday afternoon, 20 January, 15h15 | |
Kemmy Business School and Interfaculty Programmes | |
Kemmy Business School (ACF, MMA, WES, BUS, ECO) | |
Certificate in Management | |
Diploma in Applied Tax Administration | |
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Taxation | |
Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management and the Future of Work | |
Bachelor of Arts in International Business | |
Bachelor of Business Studies | |
Bachelor of Business Studies with French | |
Bachelor of Business Studies with Spanish | |
Graduate Diploma in Agile Business Analysis | |
Graduate Diploma in Project and Programme Management | |
Graduate Diploma in Work and Organisational Psychology | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Economics and Public Policy | |
Professional Diploma in Strategic Leadership | |
Master of Arts in Business Management | |
Master of Arts in International Tourism | |
Master of Business Administration – Executive MBA | |
Master of Science in Business Analytics | |
Master of Science in Economics and Policy Analysis | |
Master of Science in Financial Services | |
Master of Science in Human Resource Management | |
Master of Science in International Management and Global Business | |
Master of Science in Machine Learning for Finance | |
Master of Science in Marketing, Consumption and Society | |
Master of Science in Project and Programme Management | |
Master of Science in Project Management | |
Master of Science in Risk Management and Insurance | |
Master of Science in Work and Organisational Behaviour | |
Master of Science in Work and Organisational Psychology | |
Master of Taxation | |
Masters in International Entrepreneurship Management | |
Interfaculty | |
Certificate in Supply Chain Management (Production and Inventory Management) | |
Diploma in Supply Chain Management Operations | |
Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management | |
Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence in Finance | |
Research Degrees | |
Doctor of Philosophy (ACF x 2, WES x 1, CSC x 1) |
Ceremony 2: Tuesday morning, 21 January, 11h15 | |
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and Interfaculty Programmes | |
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHS, LAW, SOC, IWA, HIS, MLA, EIC, PPA) | |
Certificate in English as a Medium of Instruction | |
Certificate in Music and Dance | |
Bachelor of Arts | |
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Languages | |
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Policing and Criminal Justice | |
Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice | |
Bachelor of Arts in Irish Music | |
Bachelor of Laws | |
Bachelor of Laws (Law Plus) | |
Graduate Diploma in European Studies | |
Graduate Diploma in Intelligence Management | |
Postgraduate Diploma in English | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | |
Professional Diploma in Community Engagement | |
Professional Diploma in Data Communications | |
Máistreacht sna hEalaíona sa Ghaeilge | |
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (International) | |
Master of Arts in Community Music | |
Master of Arts in Composition and Creative Music Practice | |
Master of Arts in Creative Writing | |
Master of Arts in Dance Performance | |
Master of Arts in English | |
Master of Arts in Ethnochoreology | |
Master of Arts in Ethnomusicology | |
Master of Arts in European Studies | |
Master of Arts in History | |
Master of Arts in History of the Family | |
Master of Arts in Human Rights in Criminal Justice | |
Master of Arts in International Studies | |
Master of Arts in Irish Dance Studies | |
Master of Arts in Irish Traditional Music Performance | |
Master of Arts in Journalism | |
Master of Arts in Local History | |
Master of Arts in Music Therapy | |
Master of Arts in Peace and Development Studies | |
Master of Arts in Political Research | |
Master of Arts in Politics | |
Master of Arts in Public Administration | |
Master of Arts in Public History and Cultural Heritage | |
Master of Arts in Ritual Chant and Song | |
Master of Arts in Serious Crime Investigation | |
Master of Arts in Sociology (Youth, Community and Social Regeneration) | |
Master of Arts in Songwriting | |
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | |
Master of Arts in Technical Communication and E-Learning | |
Master of Laws (General) | |
Master of Laws in Human Rights in Criminal Justice | |
Master of Laws in International Commercial Law | |
Master of Science in Sociology and Data Analytics | |
Interfaculty | |
Bachelor of Arts in Law and Accounting | |
Professional Diploma in Intermediary Studies | |
Research Degrees | |
Doctor of Philosophy (AHS x 4, EIC x 2, HIS x 1, IWA x 2, MLA x 3, SOC x 1) | |
Ceremony 3: Tuesday afternoon, 21 January, 15h15 | |
Faculty of Education and Health Sciences and Interfaculty Programmes | |
Faculty of Education and Health Sciences (NMI, PES, PSY, SAH, SOE, SOM) | |
Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness | |
Certificate in Nursing (Nurse/Midwife Prescribing) | |
Higher Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness | |
Diploma in Exercise and Health Fitness | |
Diploma in Medical Sciences | |
Diploma in Psychology | |
Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery | |
Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences | |
Bachelor of Science in Midwifery | |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (General) | |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Intellectual Disability) | |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Mental Health) | |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Studies | |
Bachelor of Science in Paramedic Studies | |
Bachelor of Science in Paramedic Studies (Practitioner) | |
Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy | |
Bachelor of Science in Psychology | |
Bachelor of Science in Sport and Exercise Sciences | |
Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice | |
Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Practice (Nursing) | |
Postgraduate Certificate in Posture, Seating and Wheelchair Mobility across the Life Course | |
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health | |
Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership and Organisational Culture | |
Graduate Diploma in Sports Performance | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Dementia Care) | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Older Person) | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Palliative Care) | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Peri-Operative Care) | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Psychosocial Interventions in Mental Health Care) | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Respiratory Care) | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Science | |
Master of Arts in Guidance Counselling and Lifespan Development | |
Master of Arts in Psychology | |
Master of Education in School Leadership | |
Master of Science in Advanced Healthcare Practice | |
Master of Science in Applied Sports Coaching | |
Master of Science in Health Professions Education | |
Master of Science in Nursing Studies | |
Master of Science in Psychological Science | |
Master of Science in Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society (Erasmus Mundus) | |
Master of Science in Public Health | |
Master of Science in Speech and Language Therapy (Professional Qualification) | |
Interfaculty | |
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology | |
Bachelor of Science (Education) in Biology with Physics or Chemistry or Agricultural Science | |
Bachelor of Science (Education) in Physical Science with Chemistry and Physics | |
Bachelor of Technology (Education) in Materials and Architectural Technology | |
Graduate Diploma in Teaching, Learning and Scholarship | |
Professional Diploma in Mathematics for Teaching | |
Professional Master of Education | |
Research Degrees | |
Master of Science (by research, PSY x 1) | |
Doctor of Medicine (MD) (SOM x 2) | |
Doctor of Clinical Psychology (PSY x 8) | |
Doctor of Philosophy (PSY X 6, SAH X 4, NMI X 1, PES X 1, SOM X 1, SOE X 1) | |
Professional Doctorate in Healthcare Practice |
Ceremony 4: Wednesday morning, 22 January, 11h15 | |
Faculty of Science and Engineering (CSC, CSI, PHY, ENG, BSC, DES, ECE, MAS) | |
Certificate in Equine Science | |
Bachelor of Engineering in Aeronautical Engineering | |
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering | |
Bachelor of Engineering in Design and Manufacture | |
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering | |
Bachelor of Science in Bioscience | |
Bachelor of Science in Computer Games Development | |
Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems | |
Bachelor of Science in Construction Management and Engineering | |
Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security and IT Forensics | |
Bachelor of Science in Digital Media Design | |
Bachelor of Science in Financial Mathematics | |
Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Health | |
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Biochemistry | |
Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences | |
Bachelor of Science in Music, Media and Performance Technology | |
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry | |
Bachelor of Science in Product Design and Technology | |
Bachelor of Science in Quality and Regulatory Affairs | |
Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence | |
Graduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering | |
Graduate Diploma in Health Informatics | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence | |
Postgraduate Diploma in Functional Foods and Product Development | |
Higher Diploma in Environmental Science | |
Professional Diploma in Artificial Intelligence for Computer Vision | |
Professional Diploma in Mechanical Engineering | |
Professional Diploma in Quality Management – Lean Systems | |
Master of Arts in Interaction and Experience Design | |
Master of Engineering in Aeronautical Engineering | |
Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering | |
Master of Engineering in Cyber Security | |
Master of Engineering in Edge Computing | |
Master of Engineering in Equipment Systems Engineering | |
Master of Engineering in Information and Network Security | |
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering | |
Master of Engineering in Mechatronics | |
Master of Science in Advanced Engineering Materials | |
Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering | |
Master of Science in Applied Physics | |
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence | |
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | |
Master of Science in Biomedical Device Materials | |
Master of Science in Biomolecular Sciences | |
Master of Science in Bioprocessing | |
Master of Science in Civil Engineering | |
Master of Science in Data Science and Statistical Learning | |
Master of Science in Design for Health and Wellbeing | |
Master of Science in Functional Foods and Product Development | |
Master of Science in Health Informatics | |
Master of Science in Interaction and Experience Design | |
Master of Science in Mathematical Modelling | |
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering | |
Master of Science in Software Engineering | |
Master of Science in Strategic Quality Management – Lean Sigma Systems | |
Research Degrees | |
Master of Engineering (by research, ENG x 1) | |
Master of Science (by research, CSC x 2, BSC x 2) | |
Doctor of Philosophy (BSC x 2, CSC x 8, CSI x 1, ECE x 3, ENG x 5, MAS x 4, PHY x 1) |