University Hospital Limerick plays the central role among the six UL Hospitals in the Midwest region. As a model 4 hospital it provides the critical care services, the 24/7/365 Emergency Department (ED) and is a designated centre for cancer, trauma and vascular surgery. The bed complement in UHL is approximately 438 inpatient, 48 psychiatry and 76 day spaces and all emergency, paediatric and complex surgeries are only undertaken at UHL. The hospital is the central hub for the five associated hospitals in the region. Ennis Hospital, Nenagh Hospital and St John’s Hospital are integral parts of the network that treat patients in accordance their model status. While they do not have an ED, each has a medical assessment unit, a local injuries unit, a very active day surgery unit and medical in-patient beds for selected medical patients.
UHL is situated in the Limerick suburb of Dooradoyle is now the biggest public building site in Munster if not the whole of the country. Major capital developments are in train including the construction of a new Emergency Department, specialist in patient/outpatient block including Cystic Fibrosis, Stroke, Dermatology, Neurology and Symptomatic Breast Disease, new ward block, new school for the paediatric department, completion of a new Critical Care Block, Dialysis Unit and a Clinical Education and Research facility in conjunction with the University of Limerick. A medium term plan is to relocate the University Maternity Hospital to the Dooradoyle campus.
UHL is the largest clinical placement site for medical school training and is affiliated to the University of Limerick. The faculty and staff to provide support for the students on Clinical Placements in UHL are located in temporary accommodation across the road for the hospital in the Clinical Academic Liaison Building. For more information please see the Clinical Academic Liaison Faculty and Support Staff.
University Maternity Hospital Limerick opened in 1960. The Hospital is a stand-alone Maternity Hospital and is the sole provider of obstetric, midwifery and neonatology services in the Midwest region. The Hospital serves the counties of Limerick, Clare and Tipperary North and services a population of approximately 380,000 people.
The University Maternity Hospital is a tertiary referral unit and houses 83 Obstetric Beds and 19 neonatal cots, seven birthing rooms, two operating theatres, a 24-hour admission room, two post-natal wards and one antenatal ward. In addition there are outpatient facilities including antenatal clinics, outreach antenatal clinics, ultrasonography services, physiotherapy services, parent education classes and a colposcopy service. A post-natal community midwifery service facilitates early discharge and selective visiting up to eight days post-discharge within a confined catchment area.
In 2012, there were 4,901 live births, 6,648 obstetric admissions and 926 admissions to the neonatal unit. In addition, there were 30,369 new and 13,479 review outpatient attendances respectively in 2012.
UMHL is a clinical placement site for midwifery and medical school training, and is affiliated to the University of Limerick. The faculty and staff to support for the students on Clinical Placements in UMHL are located in the hospital. For more information please see the Clinical Academic Liaison Faculty and Support Staff.