UL Participatory Health Research team: Emma Doolan (Administrator), Anna Papyan (Research Assistant), Lorna Kerin (Manager) Dr Jon Salsberg (Academic Lead), Denia Claudino (Projects Officer) and Professor Anne MacFarlane (Co-Director).
Friday, 12 July 2024

The UL Participatory Health Research (PHR) Unit, School of Medicine, organised its 9th Public and Patient Summer School. The event held on the 17th and 18th June welcomed over 115 delegates at a unique event in Ireland, focusing on empowering patients, carers and the public to actively engage in healthcare research as partners with health researchers.

The keynote speaker Simon Denegri OBE, Executive Director of the Academy of Medical Sciences (UK) shared his reflections on how he envisions the future of PPI. Dr Kim Ozano, Director of the SCL Agency (UK) gave the closing keynote on the theme of ‘Power and Participatory Research’.

There was a wide variety of engaging, interactive workshops and panel discussions and founder of the summer school, Professor Anne MacFarlane - HRI member and Co-Director of the PHR  Unit at UL – said it “which to support researchers, community and patient organisations, students, PPI contributors, funders, health service providers and policy makers to come together for learning, discussion, and networking, and to foster meaningful partnerships. By amplifying and nurturing patient voices, we strive for strong patient-centred research in Ireland and beyond – this PPI Summer School has really energised us for the year ahead.”

For more information please follow this link.