First established in the Autumn of 2011, i-PLAY (or Imrím) is a weekly physical activity program designed for children, youth, and young people (ages 5-21) with disabilities and special needs. The program is delivered at the department of Physical Education & Sports Science (PESS) here at the University of Limerick. Led by faculty members Daniel Tindall, Brigitte Moody, and Seán Healy, 3rd and 4th year PE students participate in the i-PLAY experience as part of the PY4165 – Adapted Physical Activity & Physical Education and PY4118 - Physical Activity Behaviour, Promotion, & Health modules. Offered in both the Autumn and Spring semesters, the main goal of this weekly program is to engage participants in various physical activities (dance, games, health-related activities, fundamental movement skills, etc.) throughout the term. As part of this service learning experience, each participant is paired with one of our pre-service Physical Education students receiving individual attention, support, and encouragement. The focus of the program is on promoting physical activity for young people; incorporating it into their daily lives (i.e., in school, after school, and at home). Ultimately, the main goals of the program are:
- To provide children and young people with disabilities and special needs the opportunity to play and interact socially with peers,
- To provide pre-service Physical Education teachers with the opportunity to gain experience in planning and assisting youth with disabilities and special needs as it relates to the physical activity setting, and
- To provide families an opportunity to connect with one another as a way to support each other and their children with disabilities and special needs.
Listen to the 2016 Blog Post on YouTube
Important Information:
When: Thursdays from 4:30-5:30pm throughout the UL Autumn and Spring semesters.
Where: All sessions will take place in the PESS Building (Building #19 on the UL Campus Map)
Fee: A registration fee of €20 (cash preferred) is required prior to participation in the sessions.
Session Dates:
- February 13th
- February 20th
- February 27th
- March 6th
- March 13th
- March 20th
- March 27th
- April 3rd
- April 10th - TBD (Student Race Day - Limerick Race Course)
- April 17th - CANCELLED (Easter Break UL)
How to apply?
To inquire about space on the program, please contact Daniel Tindall via email at Daniel.Tindall@ul.ie
Unfortunately, we are at full capacity for the 5-10 year old age group but do have a waiting list. and would be happy to add your child to it. Currently, however, there are a number of children on the list with about 1-2 taken per semester. Slow, we realize, but just wanted to be sure to let you know that it might be awhile before we could offer a place to your child.

Dr. Daniel Tindall is an Associate Professor for the BSc in Physical Education (LM090) course and member of the UL Physical Education Sport Pedagogy Research Group in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the University of Limerick. Daniel is Co-Director of the Inclusive Play & Leisure Activities for Youth (i-PLAY) program . His research interests include teaching, research, and professional service with a focus in teaching and teacher education in physical education, sport, and adapted physical education. Daniel can be contacted via email on Daniel.Tindall@ul.ie