Teaching and Research Interests: 

Research Interests 
Project: Policy Evaluation Network (PEN), Work package 1.
Thesis: Developing the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index; A Tool to Advance Irish Physical Activity Policy
Supervisors: Prof. Catherine Woods and Dr. Ciaran MacDonncha

  • MMSc Medical Management, Karolinska Institutet 2019;
  • BSc. Sport & Exercise Sciences, University of Limerick, 2017;
  • Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness, 2015 
  • Volf, K., Kelly, L., GarcĂ­a Bengoechea, E., Casey, B., Gobis, A., Lakerveld, J., Zukowska, J., Gelius, P., Messing, S., Forberger, S. and Woods, C., 2020. Policy Evaluation Network (PEN): Protocol for systematic literature review examining the evidence for impact of policies across seven different policy domains. HRB Open Research3, p.62