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Alfrey, L., Scanlon, D., Aldous, D., Lorusso, J., Baker, K., Clark, C., & Jafar, M. (2024). A figurational analysis of Health and/or Physical Education teacher educators’ conceptualisations of policy, and their sociogenesis. Sport, Education and Society, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2024.2408561
Barquero-Ruiz, C. and Kirk, D., 2024. If ‘the medium is the message’, what do students learn to do in NLP and GBAs within physical education?. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 15(1), pp.40-57. https://doi.org/10.1080/25742981.2023.2216188
Barquero-Ruiz, C., Kirk, D., Meroño, L. and Arias-Estero, J.L., 2024. Psychometric Validation of the Tactical Assessment Instrument in Football for Use in Physical Education and with Youth Sport Teams. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 131(2), pp.589-611. https://doi.org/10.1177/00315125231225579
Brennan, C., Bowles, R., & Murtagh, E. (2024). Fitting in or standing out? The organisational socialisation of early career physical education specialism graduates through a micropolitical lens. European Physical Education Review, https://doi.org/10.1177/1356336X241246182
Calderón, A., Masterson, M., & Boynuegri, E. (2024). Learning online and teaching face to face: Exploring the planned and enacted conception of teaching of preservice teachers on school placement. Teaching and Teacher Education, 144, 104598. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2024.104598
Castro-García, Marina, Barquero-Ruiz, Carmen, & López-Villar. Cristina. (2024). Are Gender Stereotypes Still Prevalent in Physical Education? Spanish Teachers’ and Students’ Beliefs and Attitudes Toward Gender Equity. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2023-0352.
Harding-Kuriger, J., Beni, S., & Lorusso, J. R. (2024). Postdoctoral Fellowships in Physical Education and Sport Sciences/Kinesiology: An International Investigation of Structures and Experiences. Quest, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/00336297.2024.2354765
Martínez-Saura H. F., Calderón A. . y Sánchez López M. C. (2024). Programas de formación emocional inicial y permanente para docentes de Educación Infantil y Primaria: una revisión sistemática. Revista Complutense de Educación, 35(1), 21-32. https://doi.org/10.5209/rced.82389
Montiel-Ruiz, F. J., Calderón, A., Sánchez-Vera, M., & Solano-Fernández, I. (2024). Redes sociales y aprendizaje móvil en Educación Física: Creación colaborativa de principios de diseño [Social networks and mobile learning in Physical Education: Creating design principles collaboratively]. EDUTEC. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa. https://doi.org/10.21556/edutec.2024.89.3191
Moura, A., MacPhail, A., Graça, A. and Batista, P., 2023. Encouraging students to co-construct and co-and self-regulate their learning within a cooperative learning environment in physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 43(1), pp.11-20. https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2022-0104
Scanlon, D., Murtagh, E., Calderón A., MacPhail, A., & Walsh, C. (2024). Aligning Pedagogies of Teacher Education with the Teaching of Social Justice. In B. M Butler and M. Bullock: Understanding a Pedagogy of Teacher Education: Contexts for Teaching and Learning About Your Educational Practice (1st ed.). New York: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003365129
Scanlon, D., MacPhail, A., Calderón, A., Moody, B., & Murtagh, E. (2024). Working Principles of Practice for Enacting Social Justice Pedagogies in Physical Education Teacher Education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 95(8), 48-50. https://doi.org/10.1080/07303084.2024.2383527
Pérez Gázquez, I. M., & Barquero-Ruiz, C. (2024). Gender equality in women’s professional sport. Progress and pending challenges. Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte, 19(59), 35-53. DOI: 10.12800/ccd.v19i59.2113.
Book Chapter
Mytakou T and Murtagh E (2024) Teaching about Gender: Feminist Hope and Praxis for the Future, in Dolan AM (editor) Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals to Young Citizens (10-16 years): A focus on Teaching Hope, Respect, Empathy and Advocacy in Schools. London: Routledge
Young, A.M., MacPhail, A. and Tannehill, D., 2024. Teacher educators’ engagement with school-based assessments across Irish teacher education programmes. Irish Educational Studies, 43(2), pp.189-206. https://doi.org/10.1080/03323315.2022.2061562
Book Chapter
Mytakou T and Murtagh E (2024) Teaching about Gender: Feminist Hope and Praxis for the Future, in Dolan AM (editor) Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals to Young Citizens (10-16 years): A focus on Teaching Hope, Respect, Empathy and Advocacy in Schools. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003232001
- Barquero-Ruiz, C., Kirk, D., Meroño, L. and Arias-Estero, J.L., 2023. Psychometric Validation of the Tactical Assessment Instrument in Football for Use in Physical Education and with Youth Sport Teams. Perceptual and Motor Skills, p.00315125231225579. DOI: 10.1177/00315125231225579
- Barquero-Ruiz, C. and Kirk, D., 2023. If ‘the medium is the message’, what do students learn to do in NLP and GBAs within physical education?. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, pp.1-18. DOI: 10.1080/25742981.2023.2216188
- Brennan, C., Murtagh, E. and Bowles, R., 2023. Turning over a new leaf: PE specialism graduates’ understanding of ‘quality PE’. Irish Educational Studies, pp.1-18. DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2023.2188240
- Castro-García, M., Landi, D., & Kirk, D. (2023). Deportigualízate: enacting critical intersectional feminist pedagogy in Spanish PESTE. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/17408989.2023.2284927
- Czerniawski, G., Guberman, A., MacPhail, A. & Vanassche, E. (2023): Identifying school-based teacher educators’ professional learning needs: an international survey, European Journal of Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2023.2251658
- Khalil N, Aljanazrah A, Hamed G & Murtagh EM (2023) Teacher educators’ perspectives on gender responsive pedagogy in higher education, Irish Educational Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2023.2174575
- Lorusso, J. R., Morrison, H., & Johnson, A. (2023). Ten top tips on scholarship and grant writing for graduate students in physical and health education. PHEnex, 13(3), 1-7.
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- Meroño, L., Calderón, A., & Arias-Estero, J. L. (2023). Teachers’ professional development needs: a critical analysis of TALIS through structural equation modelling. European Journal of Teacher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2023.2296354
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- Scanlon, D., Lorusso, J., & Viczko, M. (2023). Understanding (and extending) the conceptual boundaries of policy research in physical education: A scoping review. European Physical Education Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/1356336X231210393
- Scanlon, D., MacPhail, A. and Calderón, A., 2022. A figurational viewpoint of the complexity of policy enactment: An opportunity for agonistic dialogue?. The Curriculum Journal. DOI: 10.1002/curj.179
- Wallace, J., Scanlon, D., & Calderón, A. (2022). Digital technology and teacher digital competency in physical education: a holistic view of teacher and student perspectives. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/25742981.2022.2106881
- Young, AM., MacPhail A., & Tannehill, D. (2022) Teacher educators’ engagement with school-based assessments across Irish teacher education programmes, Irish Educational Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2022.2061562
- Scanlon, D., MacPhail, A., & Calderón, A. (2022). A rhizomatic exploration of a professional development non-linear approach to learning and teaching: Two teachers’ learning journeys in 'becoming different'. Teaching and Teacher Education, 115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2022.103730
- Scanlon, D., MacPhail, A., Tannehill, D. & Walsh, C. (2022) Embedding assessment in learning experiences: Enacting the principles of instructional alignment in physical education teacher education. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education. DOI: 10.1080/25742981.2022.2039074
- Walsh, C., Tannehill, D. & MacPhail, A. (2022) The perceived needs of teacher educators as they strive to implement curriculum change. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education. DOI: 10.1080/25742981.2022.2032778
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- Arias-Estero, J. L., Meroño, L., Calderón, A., (2021). Fundamentos pedagógicos de la enseñanza del deporte [Foundations of Sport Pedagogy]. Madrid: La Muralla. Colección Aula Abierta. Link: https://bit.ly/2O05kGz
BOOK Chapter
- Czerniawski, G., MacPhail, A., Vanassche, E., Ulvik, M., Guberman, A., Oolbekkink-Marchand, H. & Bain, Y. (2022) Researching the professional learning needs of teacher educators: Results from international research. In Vanderlinde, R., Smith, K., Murray, J. & Lunenberg, M. (Eds.) Teacher Educators and their Professional Development: Learning from the past, looking to the future, pp. 28-42. Routledge: London.
- Guberman, A., MacPhail, A., Ulvik,M. & Oolbekkink-Marchand, H. (2022) Teacher educators’ professional life stories across four countries: Intertwining personal and contextual effects. In Vanderlinde, R., Smith, K., Murray, J. & Lunenberg, M. (Eds.) Teacher Educators and their Professional Development: Learning from the past, looking to the future, pp. 106-119. Routledge: London.
- Murray, J., MacPhail, A., Meijer, P., Oolbekkink-Marchand, H. Ulvik, M. & Guberman, A. (2022) Influencing professional development at national levels: learning from reciprocity and diversity. In Vanderlinde, R., Smith, K., Murray, J. & Lunenberg, M. (Eds.) Teacher Educators and their Professional Development: Learning from the past, looking to the future, pp. 144-157. Routledge: London.
- Garcia-López L. M., & Calderón, A. (2021). [Sport education pedagogical model] In: A. Pérez-Pueyo et al. (eds.) [Pedagogical models in physical education: What, how, what for and why]. León: Universidad de León. Language: Spanish Download link: https://buleria.unileon.es/handle/10612/13251
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- Sargent, J., & Calderón, A. (2021). Technology-Enhanced Learning Physical Education? A Critical Review of the Literature. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2021-0136. IF2020=4.155 (Q1) Education and Educational Research (JCR)
- Brennan, C Bowles, R & Murtagh, E. (2021) The best of both worlds? The impact of the initial teacher education physical education specialism programme on generalist teachers’ self-efficacy, beliefs, and practices, Education 3-13, DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.2001557
- Calderón, A., & MacPhail, A., (2021). Seizing the opportunity to redesign physical education teacher education: blending paradigms to create transformative experiences in teacher education. Sport, Education and Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2021.1997981 IF2020=4.119 (Q1) Education and Educational Research (JCR)
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- Mahedero, M. P., Calderon, A., Hastie, P., & Arias-Estero, J. L. (2021). Grouping Students by Skill Level in Mini-Volleyball: Effect on Game Performance and Knowledge in Sport Education. Perceptual and Motor Skills, https://doi.org/10.1177/00315125211021812
- Martin, R., McMullen, J. and Murtagh, E.M., 2021. Implementing movement integration across the whole school: findings from the Moving to Learn Ireland programme. Irish Educational Studies, pp.1-20. DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2021.1899023
- MacPhail, A & Luguetti, C (2021) Nurturing Solidarity: Considering the Internationalization of Research Activities in Kinesiology as a Moral Practice, International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education, 5:2, 56-67, DOI: 10.1080/24711616.2020.1866469
- Gong, Y., MacPhail, A., & Young, AM. (2021): Chinese higher education-based physical education teacher educators’ professional learning needs for involvement in research activities, Professional Development in Education, DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2021.1895286
- Gong, Y, MacPhail, A., & Guberman, A. (2021): Professional learning and development needs of Chinese university-based physical education teacher educators, European Journal of Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2021.1892638
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- MacPhail, A., Tannehill, D. & Ataman, R. (2021): The role of the critical friend in supporting and enhancing professional learning and development, Professional Development in Education, DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2021.1879235
- Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S., Parker, M., Hall, T. & Patton, K. (2020). Children moving: A reflective approach to teaching physical education (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- O’Sullivan, M. & Parker, M. (Eds.). (2020). Physical education in a global policy space. London: Routledge.
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- Ward, P., Parker, M., & Barnes, D. (2020). The Innovation Challenge: Maintaining Program Standards and Developing Cohesion While Developing and Testing Alternative Designs in New Kinds of Schools. In Lawson, H. & MacPhail, A. (Eds.). The Collaborative Redesign of School Physical Education and Teacher Education: Addressing Grand Challenges for the 21st Century. London: Routledge.
- MacPhail, A. (2020) Developing commitments and capacity to learn with, and from, each other. In MacPhail, A. & Lawson, H. (eds.) School Physical Education and Teacher Education: Collaborative Redesign for the 21st Century. Routledge, UK.
- Lawson, H., Kirk, D. & MacPhail, A. (2020) The Professional Development Challenge: Achieving Desirable Outcomes for Students, Teachers, and Teacher Educators. In MacPhail, A. & Lawson, H. (eds.) School Physical Education and Teacher Education: Collaborative Redesign for the 21st Century. Routledge, UK.
- Whittle, R. & MacPhail, A. (2020) The PE School Curriculum Challenge: The Shared Construction, Implementation and Enactment of School Physical Education Curriculum. In MacPhail, A. & Lawson, H. (eds.) School Physical Education and Teacher Education: Collaborative Redesign for the 21st Century. Routledge, UK.
- Fletcher, T., Beckey, A., Larsson, H. & MacPhail, A. (2020) The Research and Development Challenge: Better Aligning Teachers’ and Teacher Educators’ Needs, Priorities and Demands. In MacPhail, A. & Lawson, H. (eds.) School Physical Education and Teacher Education: Collaborative Redesign for the 21st Century. Routledge, UK.
- O’Sullivan, M., Calderón, A., & Moody, B. (2020). Can I teach what I want? Teacher autonomy in enacting a physical education curriculum. In S. Chapel & R. Blair (Eds.), Debates in Physical Education (2nd ed.), (pp. 206-219). London & New York: Routledge. Book link: https://www.routledge.com/Debates-in-Physical-Education-2nd-Edition/Capel-Blair/p/book/9781138586871
- Sutherland, S. & Parker, M. (2020). Responding to Trauma in and through Physical Education, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
- Gonçalves, L., Parker, M., Luguetti, C. & Carbinatto, M. (2020). The facilitator’s role in supporting physical education teachers’ empowerment in a professional learning community, Sport, Education and Society, doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2020.1825371
- Meroño, L., Calderón, A., & Arias-Estero, J. L. (2020). Digital pedagogy and cooperative learning: Effect on the technological pedagogical content knowledge and academic performance of pre-service teachers. Revista de Psicodidáctica. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psicoe.2020.10.002 (IF=3.050 - 28/263 - Education and Educational Research)
- Tannehill, D., Scanlon, D., & MacPhail, A. (2020). Applying research to practice in school physical education, Physical Education Matters.
- Hassan, O., Scanlon, D., McDonald, C., Algeo, N., Nic Corcráin, M., Jenkins, T., Kelly, S., and Whelan, S. (2020). Supporting student engagement and partnership in higher education decision-making during the pandemic: A reflection from the National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP). All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (AISHE-J), 12(3), 1-9. https://ojs.aishe.org/index.php/aishe-j/article/view/545
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- Scanlon, D., Calderón, A., & MacPhail, A. (2020). Teacher agency in enacting physical education in a period of curriculum change. The Curriculum Journal. DOI: 10.1002/curj.80
- Calderón, A., Scanlon, D., MacPhail, A., & Moody, B. (2020). An integrated blended learning approach for physical education teacher education programmes: teacher educators’ and pre-service teachers’ experiences, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. DOI: .10.1080/17408989.2020.1823961
- MacPhail, A. (2020) Time to really re-envisage teacher education. Research in Teacher Education, Vol.10. No 1., 53-56. See link here
- Coulter, M., Scanlon, D., MacPhail, A., O'Brien, W., Belton, S., & Woods, C. (2020). The (mis)alignment between young people's collective physical activity experience and physical education curriculum development in Ireland. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education. DOI: 10.1080/25742981.2020.1808493
- Hortigüela-Alcalá, D., Calderón, A., & González-Calvo, G. (2020). Transcultural impact of learning to teach sport education on preservice teachers’ perceived teaching competence, autonomy, and academic motivation. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. DOI: 10.1123/jtpe.2019-0169.
- Guberman, A., Ulvik, M., MacPhail, A. & Oolbekkink-Marchand, H. (2020). Teacher educators’ professional trajectories: evidence from Ireland, Israel, Norway and the Netherlands, European Journal of Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2020.1793948
- Casey, A., MacPhail, A., Larsson, H. & Quennerstedt, M. (2020). Between hope and happening: Problematizing the M and the P in models-based practice, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2020.1789576
- Parker, M., Ní Chróinín, D., Coulter, M., McFlynn, P., & Walsh, C. (2020). ‘Finding the Image’: Using photos to give voice to teacher educator professional learning. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/25742981.2020.1757476
- O’Connor A, Krucien N, Cantillon P, Parker M, & McCurtin A, (2020) Investigating physiotherapy stakeholders’ preferences for the development of performance-based assessment in practice education, Physiotherapy, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2020.04.003
- Ní Chróinín, D., Coulter, M., & Parker, M. (2020). “We took pictures”: Children’s meaning-making in physical education, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 39(2), 216-226.
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- Guijarro, E., MacPhail, A. Gonzalez-Villora, S. & Arias-Palencia, N.M. (2020) Responsibility and the roles undertaken in Sport Education, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2019-0097
- Hordvik, M., MacPhail, A. & Ronglan, L.T. (2020) Developing a pedagogy of teacher education using self-study: A rhizomatic examination of negotiating learning and practice, Teaching and Teacher Education, 88, DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2019.102969
- Calderón, A., Meroño, L. and MacPhail, A., 2019. A student-centred digital technology approach: The relationship between intrinsic motivation, learning climate and academic achievement of physical education pre-service teachers. European Physical Education Review, DOI: 10.1177/1356336X19850852
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- Scanlon, D. (2019). Examination physical education: policy, pedagogies and possibilities. Sport, Education and Society. DOI:10.1080/13573322.2019.1708139
- Kennedy, M., MacPhail, A. and Power, M.J., 2019. The intersection of ethos and opportunity: an ethnography exploring the role of the ‘physical curriculum’in cultivating physical capital in the elite educated student. Sport, Education and Society, pp.1-12. DOI:10.1080/13573322.2019.1680357
- MacPhail, A, & Schaefer, L. (2019): Engaging with academic and institutional changes: physical education and sport pedagogy’s interest and ability to ‘survive and thrive’, Sport, Education and Society, DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2019.1669151
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- Ní Chróinín, D., Fletcher, T., and O'Sullivan, M. (2015) Using self-study to explore the processes of pedagogical innovation in physical education teacher education, Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 6:3, 273-86, DOI:10.1080/18377122.2015.1092724 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18377122.2015.1092724
- Tannehill, D., Parker, M., Tindall, D., Moody, B. and MacPhail, A. (2015). Looking across and within: studying ourselves as teacher educators. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education. Vol 6 (3), 299-311. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/18377122.2015.1092726
- McMullen, J., Hodges Kulinna, P. & Cothran, D. 2014. Physical Activity Opportunities During the School Day: Classroom Teachers’ Perceptions of Using Activity Breaks in the Classroom. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33 (4), 511-527. doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2014-0062
- McMullen, J., Van der Mars, H. & Jahn, J.A. 2014. Creating a Before-School Physical Activity Program: Pre-Service Physical Educators’ Experiences and Implications for PETE. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33 (4), 449 – 466. doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2014-0063
- Tindall, D., MacDonald, W., Carroll, E., & Moody, B. (2014). Pre-service teachers' attitudes towards children with disabilities: An Irish perspective. European Physical Education Review published online 6 November 2014. DOI: 10.1177/1356336X14556861
- Fletcher, T. & Casey, A. (2014). The Challenges of Models-Based Practice in Physical Education Teacher Education: A Collaborative Self-study. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 2014, 33, 403-421 http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2013-0109
- Ní Chróinín, D. & O’Sullivan, M. 2014. “From initial teacher education through induction and beyond: a longitudinal study of primary teacher beliefs”. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 33 (4), 454-466. DOI:10.1080/03323315.2014.98438
- Clonan, M., Cullen, E., Kiely, K., O’Malley, B., & Tannehill, D. (summer, 2014). Part 1. USG meets SSLFS: Engaging Targeted Groups of Young People. PE Matters 9(2).
- Clonan, M., Cullen, E., Kiely, K., O’Malley, B., & Tannehill, D. (autumn, 2014). Part 2. USG meets SSLFS: Engaging Targeted Groups of Young People. PE Matters 9(3).
- Patton, K., & Parker. M. (2014).
- Moving from ‘Things to do on Monday’ to student learning: Physical education professional development facilitators’ views of success. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, DOI:10.1080/17408989.2012.726980.
- Hastie, P.A., MacPhail, A., Calderón, A. & Sinelnikov. O.A. (2014): Promoting professional learning through ongoing and interactive support: three cases within physical education, Professional Development in Education, DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2014.924425
- Howley, D., & Tannehill, D. (2014). Crazy Ideas. The Physical Educator. 71 (3).
- MacPhail, A., Patton, K., Parker, M. and Tannehill, D. 2014. Leading by Example: Teachers’ Professional Learning Through Communities of Practice. Quest. Vol 66 (1), pp 39-56. [DOI: 10.1080/00336297.2013.826139]
- Ralph, A.M. & MacPhail, A. (2014). Pre-service teachers’ entry onto a physical education teacher education programme, and associated interests and dispositions, European Physical Education Review. DOI: 10.1177/1356336X14550940
- Tannehill, D. (2014). “My journey to become a teacher educator”. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17408989.2014.898745
- Tannehill, D., MacPhail, A. (2014) What examining teaching metaphors tells us about pre-service teachers' developing beliefs about teaching and learning. Physical Education and Sport Pedgogy,19(2), 149-163
- Chroinin, DN, O'Sullivan, M, Tormey, R (2013). 'Teacher educators' perspectives on the implementation of beginning teacher standards for physical education in Ireland: developing and regulating the profession?' European Journal Of Teacher Education, 36 :261-278. [DOI 10.1080/02619768.2012.696191]
- Deenihan, J.T. & MacPhail, A. (2013). A Pre-service Teacher’s Delivery of Sport Education: Influences, Difficulties and Continued Use. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 32(2), 166-185.
- Enright, E., & O'Sullivan, M. (2013). 'Now, I'm Magazine Detective the Whole Time: Listening and Responding to Young People's Complex Experiences of Popular Physical Culture'. Journal Of Teaching In Physical Education, 32 :394-418.
- Klemola, U,Heikinaro-Johansson, P., O'Sullivan, M (2013) 'Physical education student teachers' perceptions of applying knowledge and skills about emotional understanding studied in PETE in a one-year teaching practicum'. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 18 :28-41. [DOI 10.1080/17408989.2011.630999]
- López Pastor, V., Lorente, E., Kirk, D., MacPhail, A. & Macdonald, D. (2013). Alternative Assessment in Physical Education: A Review of International Literature, Sport Education and Society, 18(1), 57-76.
- MacPhail, A., Tannehill, D. & Goc Karp, G. (2013) Preparing pre-service teachers to design instructionally aligned lessons, Teaching and Teacher Education, 100-112. [DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2013.02.008.]
- O'Sullivan, M. (2013) 'New Directions, new questions: Relationships between curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in physical education'. Sport Education and Society, 18 (1):1-5. [DOI:10.1080/13573322.2012.719868]
- Patton, K., Parker, M., & Pratt, E. (2013). Meaningful learning in professional development: teaching without telling. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 32 (4), 441-459.
- Tindall, D. (2013) 'Creating disability awareness through sport: exploring the participation, attitudes and perceptions of post-primary female students in Ireland'. Irish Educational Studies, 32 (4):457-475.
- Bowles, R. & O'Sullivan, M. (2012). Rhetoric and reality: the role of the teacher in shaping a school sport programme. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT PEDAGOGY Volume: 17 Issue: 3 Special Issue: SI Pages: 303-316 [DOI:10.1080/17408989.2012.690383]
- Enright, E. & O'Sullivan, M. 2012. Physical education "in all sorts of corners": student activists transgressing formal physical education curricular boundaries. Source: RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT Volume: 83 Issue: 2 Pages: 255-267 Published: JUN 2012
- Enright, E. & O'Sullivan, M. 2012. 'Producing different knowledge and producing knowledge differently': rethinking physical education research and practice through participatory visual methods. SPORT EDUCATION AND SOCIETY Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Pages: 35-55 [DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2011.607911]
- Kinchin, G.D., MacPhail, A. and Ni Chroinin, D. 2012. Irish primary school teachers' experiences with Sport Education. IRISH EDUCATIONAL STUDIES Volume: 31 Issue: 2 Pages: 207- 222 [DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2011.649403]
- MacPhail, A. & O'Sullivan, M. 2012. Special Issue: Moving People, Moving Forward: Keynote Addresses from the AIESEP 2011 International Conference Introduction. QUEST Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 76-78 [DOI: 10.1080/00336297.2012.669315]
- MacPhail, A. & Tannehill, D. 2012. Helping pre-service and beginning teachers examine and reframe assumptions about themselves as teachers and change agents: "Who is going to listen to you anyway?" QUEST Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 299- 312 [DOI: 10.1080/00336297.2012.706885]
- MacPhail, A. 2012. Moving people, moving forward. Papers from the AIESEP 2011 International Conference. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT PEDAGOGY Volume: 17 Issue: 3 Special Issue: SI Pages: 227-229 [DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2012.686582]
- O'Sullivan, M. & Oslin, J.L. (2012). Special Issue: Physical Education. IRISH EDUCATIONAL STUDIES Volume: 31 Issue: 3 Special Issue: SI Pages: 245-250 [DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2012.710060]
- Parker, M., Patton, K. and Tannehill, D. (2012). Mapping the landscape of communities of practice as professional development in Irish physical education. IRISH EDUCATIONAL STUDIES Volume: 31 Issue: 3 Special Issue: SI Pages: 311-327 [DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2012.710067]
- Tannehill, D. & MacPhail, A. (2012) What examining teaching metaphors tells us about pre-service teachers' developing beliefs about teaching and learning. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 1–15, iFirst Article.
- Woods, C.B., Tannehill, D. and Walsh, J. (2012). An examination of the relationship between enjoyment, physical education, physical activity and health in Irish adolescents. IRISH EDUCATIONAL STUDIES Volume: 31 Issue: 3 Special Issue: SI Pages: 263-280 [DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2012.710068
- Ni Chroinin, D., Tormey, R. & O' Sullivan, M. (2012). Beginning teacher standards for physical education: Promoting a democratic ideal? TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION Volume: 28 Issue: 1 Pages: 78-88 [DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2011.08.001]
Sport Pedagogy publications prior to 2012 are indicated on the web profiles of individual faculty.