Professor Patricia Mannix McNamara
Patricia is current Head of the School of Education and is the Course Director for the Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership. Patricia teaches courses on leadership, mentoring and coaching, teacher professionalism and research methods. Her research interests include Leadership, organizational culture, toxic leadership, workplace bullying.
Professor Patricia Mannix McNamara ResearchGate
Professor Patricia Mannix McNamara Linkedin

Dr Nicolaas Blom
Nicolaas is a lecturer in educational leadership at the University of Limerick. He is the course director of the Master of Education (International) in Educational Leadership program. Nicolaas teaches courses on instructional leadership, research methodology and sustainable leadership. His research interests include organisational culture, followership and instructional leadership.

Dr Niamh Lafferty
Niamh is a lecturer in educational leadership at the University of Limerick and is the Course Director of the Masters in Educational Leadership program. Niamh teaches courses on research methods in her role. Her research areas include leadership, organizational culture, work identities, and the nature and impact of leadership.
Dr Niamh Lafferty ResearchGate

Niamh Hickey
Niamh is an Assistant Professor at the University of Limerick. She is funded by the Irish Research Council to conduct her research exploring distributed leadership practices in Irish post-primary schools. She teaching courses on mentoring and coaching. Her research interests include educational leadership, wellbeing, and organisational behaviours.

Jennifer Fitzgerald
National Coordinator for the Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership

Carol Lewis
Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership Programme Executive
Carol is responsible for Tutor recruitment and payments on the PDSL programme

Kathy Molloy
Masters in Educational and School Leadership Programme Administrator
Kathy is responsible for administration of the IMEL and MESL Masters programmes.

Jordan Hennessy
Leadership Co-op Student
Jordan is responsible for programme administration and social media support.
Associate Staff

Dr. Timothy R. N. Murphy
Timothy completed his doctorate in education at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. He is a Lecturer in Educational Research and Policy, teaching courses in the foundations of education, as well as in education policy. He has published widely in the field of education, on topics ranging from education policy and reform, to disadvantage in education, as well as on teacher pedagogical well-being. Current research interests involve explorations of schools as sites for democratic practices.

Dr. Dan O'Sullivan
Dan is the course director for the Professional Masters in Business Education at the University of Limerick. Prior to his appointment in 2021, he spent 12 years working in the Adult and Community Education Sector. Dan holds degrees in Business, Education and Industrial Engineering.

Bláthnaid Breslin
Bláthnaid is a University Teacher in the School of Education and course director for BA Education with Languages. She teaches on modules on the PDSL and in Initial Teacher Education. She is co-director of the Teaching and Learning committee for the school. Her research interests include educational leadership and management; coaching and mentoring; innovation in research methodologies and teacher professionalism.

Nicola Snow
Nicola is module leader for Leadership of Teaching and Learning for Transformation on the International Masters in Educational Leadership (IMEL), module tutor for Building Culture, Capacity and Teams on the Post Graduated Diploma in School leadership (PDSL), and thesis supervisor on the IMEL. Her research interests include toxic leadership, workplace bullying, well-being, education.
PhD Researchers

Inez Wilson
Inez has 30 years’ experience in School Leadership, and is currently undertaking a Structured PhD with the School of Education. She has taught modules on the and Postgraduate Masters and Professional Master of Education Programmes here at UL. She is researching Transformational School Leadership, and has completed a systematic literature review which informed her current qualitative research. Her research team’s findings look forward to adding to the body of research within this exciting field.