Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership
The Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership/Dioplóma Gairmiúil i gCeannaireacht Scoile is designed to prepare aspiring leaders in Primary or Post Primary education with the knowledge, skills, confidence and qualifications for senior school leadership positions.
This programme is a partnership between the University of Limerick, University of Galway and University College Dublin. The programme is part funded by the Department of Education and Skills and supported by the Centre for School Leadership.

Masters of Education (School Leadership)
The Masters of Education (School Leadership) is specifically designed for those who have completed a level 9 Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership. The programme facilitates those who have completed the Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership to capitalize on their current expertise and to develop an advanced and integrated understanding of school leadership at Master’s level. The Master’s in School Leadership will comprise a one-year programme. Delivery will be predominantly online to facilitate distance learning.

International Masters in Educational Leadership
This innovative fully online Master programme is designed to enable teachers, with experience of working in EU and Non EU settings, to obtain a professional qualification that will enhance their career opportunities. The programme builds on the student’s experience of international educational systems and enhances their professional and leadership skills, whilst providing a supportive learning environment. The programme will also yield a global supportive network upon which participants can draw in order to excel as future educational leaders.

Structured PhD in Education Leadership
The structured PhD programme in Educational Leadership consists of a research thesis and taught modules. The programme includes taught content specific to Educational Leadership for PhD candidates to assist them in producing high quality research and guiding them in their overall journey towards graduation. Taught content focuses on Educational Leadership practices and theory specifically, and research methodologies in this specific disciplinary field. The programme is designed around the needs of experienced schoolteachers and school leaders, the delivery of the programme is designed to allow engagement outside of regular working hours, with blended delivery.