University of Limerick
Project Leader
Dr Johnny Connolly
    What we're Doing

    This research funded by the Irish Council for civil Liberties and the Irish Research Council considers the issue of illicit drugs, community violence and policing from a human rights perspective, with a view to examining how we can balance and advocate for the human rights of all implicated by the so-called war on drugs: Dependent drug users, offenders and others caught up in the illicit drugs trade and communities most affected by it.

    Why are we doing it

    Often when we think of law enforcement and human rights, the focus is often exclusively on the rights of suspects and offenders. While this is entirely legitimate, this research report adopts a broader perspective, considering how the rights of all who are affected by the illicit drugs trade, particularly vulnerable children, their families and the wider community can also be articulated and advocated for.

    Who we're working with

    This is a collaboration with the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, with funding from the ICCL and the Irish Research Council

    How well are we doing

    The project is now complete with a research report due to be published in July 2020. It is already attracting a lot of media attention, following the publication of a related report by the project leader ‘Building community resilience: responding to criminal networks in Dublin South Central’ in January 2020.