The project is a collaboration between UL Engage, SSPC and Gaelscoil Sheoirse Clancy Primary School. The school is a DEIS band school located in an area of socio-economic disadvantage in the south side of Limerick city. The K4C-4-Kids programme is aimed at 11-13 year olds and was co-designed with the 5th and 6th class teacher in the school. The ten week programme, delivered in spring 2022, was primarily delivered in the school but also included an on-campus lab based workshop to aid the pupils in defining their research question and planning their methods. The pupils worked in small groups, supported by the team, to conduct a piece of research that could be accommodated within the school day and with the school community. The programme culminated in a poster presentation day during which the pupils confidently explained their processes and findings.
Aims of the programme: • Introduce the children to the concept of research, knowledge creation and how knowledge can be used to effect change. • Support the children to design and carry out independent research allowing pupils to take an active role in the research process. • Create a positive relationship between the University, the school and the pupils to help the children to see higher education as an option for them in the future. • Introduce the students to current researchers to learn about research as a career option. • Synergise engagement activities and develop working relationships between education and engagement activities within the university.
The K4C-4-Kids programme was run in association with Gaelscoil Sheoirse Clancy. The programme is a collaboration between UL Engage, the school and the SSPC research centre.
The project ran in spring 2022 and is currently being evaluated with a view to offering it to additional schools.