Moyross Youth Academy, Limerick
Project Leader
    What we're Doing

    Working with local consultations and community partners, this project sought to explore young people and children’s aspirations – with a particular focus on the Moyross area. The group conducted in-depth interviews with adult role-models from the Moyross as well as carrying out interviews and surveys with young people from the Moyross area. The findings of the research were presented back to all who took part in the research at a celebratory event at the Moyross Youth Academy

    Why are we doing it

    The aim of the project is designed to uncover the ambitions and aspirations of young people as well as identifying both the barriers and enablers that exist for young from Moyross in pursuing their ambition. The group conducted interviews with locally acknowledged Moyross 'successful people' in order to explore and understand the impact that they believed their geographical and social background had on their success. The project included qualitative research with young people from Moyross in order to identify and compare their perceptions of the impact of being 'Made in Moyross'. The project sought to examine the ways in which being identified with a certain social or geographical background can shape a young person’s perception of their own life choices and goals.

    Who we're working with

    • Moyross Youth Academy * CWELL programme * UL Engage

    How well are we doing

    Throughout the project the Made in Moyross team worked closely with staff and Youth Workers from the Moyross Youth Academy. Regular meetings were held with community partners to share results and invite feedback. All participants involved were given the opportunity to evaluate their participation. Testimonials from collaborating partners demonstrate that the project is well-received and plans are already afoot to develop more sustainable spin-out opportunities for community peer mentoring in MYA.

    Module Code
    Practicum Placements
    Politics and Public Administration
    What will you do on this practicum?

    This module comprises workshop-based project management training delivered in CWELL classes with practical experiential learning, applied in a community- based project, designed to address an identified need. Module delivery comprises a series of practical exercises, designed to support knowledge of, and capacity building for project management. Students taking this module will be expected to design and deliver a community- based project to address an identified need.

    Why will you do this work?

    This project is designed to identify, support and sustain the aspirations and dreams of young people in Moyross. It arises in response to a community-identified need to provide more supports to young people to build their confidence and overcome some of the social prejudices held by people - inside and outside - the Moyross community.

    Who will you be working with?

    The 'Moyross Made Me' CWELL team will work in collaboration with: 

    • Young people and youth groups in Moyross Community
    • Moyross Youth Academy
    • UL Engage * The University of Limerick Community Engagement Facilitator, CWELL
    How will your work be evaluated?

    There will be two assessments points to this module, each worth 50% of your final mark. The first assessment will comprise a site visit to your project by a panel of CWELL assessors. The second assessment will comprise the creation of a Project Portfolio detailing the project’s design and implementation and your participation in it. Guidelines concerning the creation of portfolios are available from the module’s Sulis site.