The One Million Stars to End Violence project brings communities together to engage in a creative project that demonstrates our support and solidarity with those who experience violence, particularly domestic violence. The star is a symbol of light, hope, and solidarity and together, through star weaving, we can collectively take a stand toward ending violence in Ireland. Communities & Outreach Coordinator and Project Lead Linda Hall says weaving stars is about bringing people together, "in weaving stars, we are weaving communities; we are weaving people".
One Million Stars Against Violence was originally established in 2012, in Queensland, Australia, by Maryann Talia Pau as a means of condemning violence and demonstrating solidarity, and in particular towards women who have been impacted by domestic violence. Locally, the project enhances community spirit by bringing together numerous community groups and organizations through star weaving and various activities.
• The Hunt Museum • ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services • CWELL • Mental Health Ireland • Limerick City and County Council
Since the 2019 launch of One Million Stars in Ireland, over 100,000 stars have been woven. There are now star-weaving communities in 18 counties across Ireland.