Dublin, West Coast and East Coast of Ireland
Project Leader
Deirdre Nally
    What we're Doing

    The researcher through the application of Lean Principles was aiming to determine if implementing the PQASSO Quality Management System would simplify compliance with the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) national standards for residential services.

    Why are we doing it

    Community and Voluntary Sector (C&V) organisations have, since the onset of the recession, seen a significant reduction in their funding whilst also being required to do more with less, in an environment subject to increasing regulation and standards. In the last number of years the National Standards for Residential Services as developed by HIQA is now in legislation. New Directions for Day Services is being implemented on a phased basis by the HSE. There is also pressure on organisations to ensure that they are providing high quality services. This research therefore was about trying to support C&V organisations to adopt lean principles and become more efficient so that they can deliver high quality services that meet legislation and national standard albeit with reduced funding.

    Who we're working with

    Disability Federation of Ireland, University of Limerick and three community groups that support people with disabilities.

    How well are we doing

    Project was assessed as part of Specialist diploma in Lean Healthcare. Presented at a Symposium in November 2015 which was held specifically for the Community and voluntary sector. Research being made available to interested parties.

    What is the research associated with this project?

    There is a need to create greater efficiencies in the way the organisations are implementing quality standards. The study used Lean tools to add value and reduce waste in the processes that the organisations used while improving quality.

    Why is this project necessary?

    The project is needed as organisations had not seen that both the quality system PQASSO and the HIQA regulations could be implemented at the same time. Implementing them separately was a huge source of waste. With the new process developed by the project they can do both at the same time.

    Who is collaborating on this project?

    Worked with three community groups that support people with disabilities.

    How is this project being evaluated?

    This project was evaluated as part of the students course in Lean Healthcare Systems which is a Level 9 Specialist Diploma.