These Commodities are supported by the OGP. Contracts detailed here are in effect for all campus users and must be adhered to. For other individual queries please consult with UL Procurement.
( UL0844) Multi Supplier Framework for Supply and delivery of Documentation Writer, Editor Services. Contract expiry 15.10.2026 (option for 2 x 12 Month extensions).Quality department responsible for contract management of this service email Quality @ul.ie
University Sector Legal Services Framework (ran by OGP), UL Ref: UL0916
Start date: 01.05.2024
Expiry: 30.04.2028( Includes 1 x 12 Month Extensions)
The Corporate Sectretarie's Office is responsible for the management of this commodity.
6 Lots:
Lot 1: Commercial, Corporate and Information (including Research Affairs and Intellectual Property)
Lot 2: Estates Management and Capital Development
Lot 3: Employment
Lot 4: Procurement and Competition
Lot 5: University Affairs
Lot 6: Multi-disciplinary Services
Contract Expiry 30/11/2024(Option to extend 1 x 6 Month Period)
External Auditors & Taxation Services
- Current Provider: PwC Ltd.
- Contract Expiry: 30.06.2025
Contract Expiry 21/09/2025 with the option to extend (2x12 Month periods) please quote Tender#UL0866.
Epiq booking form needs to be completed and emailed to Epiq please refer to the Epiq order process. Folio is capped at a maximum of 72 words
Contract Expiry 21/09/2025 with the option to extend (2x12 Month periods) please quote Tender#UL0866.
Epiq booking form needs to be completed and emailed to Epiq please refer to the Epiq order process. Folio is capped at a maximum of 72 words
Irish Language Translation Services:
University of Limerick has a legislative obligation to provide services through the medium of Irish.
To ensure an acceptable standard of Irish is incorporated into formal University documents, it is essential that only the University’s approved supplier for Irish language translation is used.
Please visit: Procedures for Irish Language Translation / Nósanna imeachta maidir le hAistriúchán Gaeilge (sharepoint.com)
Further information:
- Irish Language Translation queries: IrishTranslation@ul.ie
- For wider Irish Language Resources and Guidance: visit Official Languages Act Sharepoint or email ATO@ul.ie
Contact Finance Department
General Department Email: Finance Department
Email Contacts: Accounts Payable | Accounts Receivable | Financial Systems | Fixed Assets | Payroll | Purchasing | Procurement | Student Fees | Research Invoicing
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