Abstract: This webinar will discuss some of the applications of corpus methods for the analysis of casual conversation, drawing on recent examples from my own research into social and regional variation and change in contemporary British English, including topics such as swearing and subject-verb agreement.
Bio: Dr Robbie Love is Lecturer in English Language in the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Aston University. He has research interests in the application of corpus linguistics and discourse analysis to the study of contemporary English in contexts including casual conversation and public communications. He has published research on linguistic topics including swearing, modality and adverbs as well as research on methodological issues including corpus compilation and transcription. He is the author of “Overcoming Challenges in Corpus Construction: The Spoken British National Corpus 2014” (Routledge, 2020), co-editor of “Applications of Corpus Linguistics” (Cambridge, forthcoming) and host of the corpus linguistics podcast CorpusCast.