The Department of Work and Employment Studies has led the way in establishing and developing specialist HRM education in Ireland. Today we offer a range of taught programmes from Certificate level right through to Masters degree designed for full time, part-time and/or blended online learners. These programmes are designed to meet the varied interests and learning needs of those seeking a qualification in sustainable people management that can be applied across a diverse range of workplace settings. Our links with, and accreditations by the relevant professional bodies – most notably the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) – enrich both the quality of the programmes and the employability of our graduates.
You can find the full suite of our programmes listed below and with links to each of the programme descriptions, content, and timelines for applications. If you have any queries or would like to know more, then please feel free to contact the course directors listed below.
NQF Level 6 | About the course |
Higher Certificate in HRM and the Digital Workplace 1-year part-time blended learning |
Individuals with experience of working in any sector in general supervisory/ team leads/ managerial roles looking for a career change or to gain a qualification in people management (e.g. customer service, clerical, production, sales, accounting, HR, business owner) Course Director; Dr. Michelle O’Sullivan, HRMProgrammes@ul.ie |
NQF Level 8 | |
BA (Hons) in HRM & the Future of Work 2 Years part-time blended learning (Diploma exit option after Year 1) |
Post-experience / professionals who have worked in HR, middle management or supervisory roles in any sector. Those who have owned or run a business; been involved with unions or employer organisations; worked in recruitment agencies or consultancies. Course Director; Dr. Lorraine T. Ryan, HRMProgrammes@ul.ie | Accreditation - CIPD |
BBS HRM Specialist - Major Option Entire programme is 4-year full-time, Major option starts Year 2 |
Undergraduate with specialist interest in a professional career in HRM. Course Director; Dr. Majka Ryan, BBS@ul.ie |
BBS Organisational Psychology - Minor Option Entire programme is 4-year full-time, Minor Option starts year 3 |
Undergraduate with or without career interest in HRM. Course Director, Prof. Deirdre O’Shea, BBS@ul.ie |
NQF Level 9 | |
MSc in Human Resource Management 12-months full-time or 24-months part-time |
Recent graduates who wish to develop a career in HRM or Post-experience practitioners with a particular interest in, or responsibility for HRM or people management Course Director; Dr. Caroline Murphy, mschrm@ul.ie | Accreditation - CIPD |
MSc in Work and Organisational Psychology (WOP) 12-months full-time or 24-months part-time |
Recent graduates who wish to develop a career in work psychology/HRM or Post-experience practitioners with special interest in, or responsibility for aspects of work psychology (e.g., consulting, learning and development) Course Director; Dr. Moran Anisman-Razin, wopwob@ul.ie. | Accreditation - PSI / CIPD |
MSc in Work and Organisational Behaviour (WOB) 12-months full-time or 24-months part-time |
Recent graduates who wish to develop a career in aspects of HRM or Post-experience practitioners with a particular interest in, or responsibility for aspects of people management and development Course Director; Dr. Moran Anisman-Razin, wopwob@ul.ie | Accreditation - CIPD |
Sustainable Work - Professional Diploma 1 year part-time, online |
A new cutting-edge programme designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate a rapidly changing business landscape. It is ideally suited to people, project or line managers, tasked with leading out or supporting sustainable workplace transformation. You will learn about sustainable business, emerging technologies, new ways of working, the employment relationship and shaping the future of work. Course Director; Dr. Claire Harnett, PDSustainableWork@ul.ie |
Email: business@ul.ie
Postal Address: Faculty Office, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.