Date: Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Time: 4pm - 5.30pm

Venue: Theatre 2, Irish World Academy

Presenters: Dr Kathleen Turner, Aiden Boland and Steve Ryan

Chair: Dr Kathleen Turner 

In this special Tower Seminar, the Irish World Academy once again welcomes you to join us in our second annual ‘People’s Choir’. This is an interactive event to celebrate the joy and excitement that can be experienced in community singing. Facilitated by Kathleen Turner, alongside musicians Steve Ryan and Aiden Boland, students of the Irish World Academy’s Nasc Choir will share some core pieces of their repertoire. Kathleen will then teach these songs to the audience members using call and response. The songs are repeated, but this time as a full choir involving everyone who wants to participate. We close with a short reflection on the experience. You don’t need to read music and the words of the songs will be provided in large font. Whether you sing on a stage, or alone in your car, if you’ve never sung before, or you simply want to listen or dance, you are invited!

Aiden Boland is a performer, teacher, and accompanist. He is also the musical director of performances for the BA Voice programme at the Irish World Academy.

Steve Ryan is an experienced songwriter, performer, music maker, educator and community musician, and is currently the course director of the MA Songwriting in the Irish World Academy.

Kathleen Turner is a singer, songwriter, community musician and arts practice researcher. She is Course Director of the MA Community Music at the Irish World Academy, and director of vocal ensemble, ‘Nasc.’

Social Story

Theatre 2 at the Irish World Academy with the doors open

This is the Tower Theatre in the Irish World Academy. This is how our chairs will be set up for the People’s Choir. They are moveable and there will be spaces for wheelchairs also.

  • The main entrance to the Irish World Academy has a push-button system for automated entry
  • There are toilets on the ground floor, including an accessible toilet
  • The café space on the ground floor will be available for anyone who would like to move further away from the sound
  • Lyrics will be provided for everyone attending and will be printed in large size font
Kathleen Turner conducting choir members

This is Kathleen. She is our facilitator and will lead the People’s Choir.

Kathleen Turner conducting choir members

Musicians will accompany the People’s Choir. This year, Steve will play the guitar and Aiden will play the piano.