Date: Wednesday, 2 April 2025
Time: 4pm - 5.30pm

Venue: Theatre 2, Irish World Academy

Presenters: Dr Kathleen Turner,  Dr Breandán De Gallaí, Steve Ryan, Ewa Zak-Dyndal, Professor Hilary Moss, Dr Róisín Ní Ghallóghlaigh, Dr Niall Keegan and Dr Grant McLay

Chair – Dr Kathleen Turner 

In the midst of a busy academic life, it can be challenging to carve out the time as staff members to be creative for our own sake – to play, make, write or perform, simply for the joy of it. The desire for this time formed the impetus for this project. In ‘Sending it forward’, the concept was simple. One person would make something, send it forward to the next person to make something else, inspired by what they receive, and so on to the next person, until we reached the end of the line. ‘Sending it forward’ began in October 2024, and will reach its end in today’s Tower Seminar. We have a very special sharing of all the pieces, and as a group we will finally discover everything that has been created and sent forward along the way