HSeLanD is the Irish health service’s national online learning and development portal.

HSeLanD provides a central source of high-quality online training and learning and development opportunities that enable staff to develop new personal and professional skills, update and refresh existing skills and take responsibility for their own learning interventions.

HSeLanD contains a broad range of online learning content and tools :

  • Over 170 e-Learning programmes and resources. 50 per cent have been developed as bespoke programmes using internal Health Service Subject Matter Experts.
  • Collaborative learning hubs to facilitate knowledge sharing between multidisciplinary groups.
  • e-Portfolio and personal development planning (PDP) workbook and tools and 360 competency assessment tools that allow users to plan their learning and development over time and recommends learning interventions.
  • Online management of Classroom learning/training and events to allow learners to register on live learning events in their organisation including scheduling and wait-listing to allow learners to register on live learning events in their organisation.

Find out more about HSeLanD