Whether you are a prospective student, a teacher, parent or guardian, you will find these resources useful:

Aiming Higher Guide - designed to give parents a practical understanding of the higher education system in Ireland and to help them to support their son or daughter in making informed decisions around third level courses and career choices.

First Leanings - a career development toolkit for transition year students and is designed to support students around self-assessment, researching options, subject choice and work experience in an engaging and interactive way.

Careers by Degrees - a unique guide to some of the career opportunities available to University of Limerick graduates.

Graduate Outcome Reports - results of a survey conducted nine month after graduation which focuses on the employment and further study patterns of the University of Limerick graduates. The findings provide interesting insights into employment sectors, geographical location, gender comparatives and earning power of the graduates.

Study at UL - University of Limerick offers a range of courses and programmes up to doctorate and postdoctorate levels in the disciplines of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business, Education and Health Sciences, Science and Engineering.

Contact Details

Cooperative Education: +353-61-202044 | coop.info@ul.ie 
Careers Services: +353-61-202451 | careers@ul.ie 
School Placement: +353-61-202478 schoolplacement@ul.ie



Cooperative Education & Careers Division,
University of Limerick
V94 T9PX

Office Location: The offices of the Cooperative Education & Careers Division are located in Room E0007 and Room E0019, in the Main Building. Visitors should come to the University main reception.