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'Limerick Volunteers and the 1916 Easter Rising: a contested history' by Robert Collins pp 1-7

'Hibernianism, the Hibernian Rifles and the 1916 Rising' by John Harrington pp 8-19

'Art as social commentary: two visual interpretations of the 1916 Rising' by Deirdre Kelly pp 20-30

'Paddy Maher: a judicial murder' by David Dineen pp 31-41

'Republican policing in Limerick City, 1921-22' by Oisín Bates pp 42-50

"In the presence of his enemies": the controversy of James Dalton, May 1920' by Daniel Murray pp 51-60

'America’s relationship with Europe after WWI: as reflected through interwar cinema and the film industry' by Emily Paul pp 61-67

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'The Libberton witches: femininity and persecution in a Scottish parish, 1661' by Elysia Maludzinski pp 1-14

"The most deadly enemies of God and man": distinguishing Kings from tyrants in George Buchanan’s political writings' by Sarah Batosiak pp 15-28

'British intelligence and the case of Alan Nunn May' by Jonathan Best pp 29-41

'The Soviet-Afghan war, US involvement and the Reagan doctrine – An anti-Communist jihad?' by Cáthal Power pp 42-57

'The impact of John Hume on the first power-sharing experiment in Northern Ireland' by Seán McKillen pp 58-74

'Preparing for success: the Irish Republican Army and the Scramogue ambush, 1921' by Gerald Maher pp 75-87

"The greatest collaborator": Bishop Philbin of Down and Connor and the Provisional IRA, 1970-1973' by Nina Vodstrup Andersen pp 88-99

'Fear of contagion and the spatial orientation of the early modern city' by Evana Downes pp 100-112

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'Puritan faith and forward protestant politics in Edmund Spenser’s The Shepherds Calendar (1579)' by Declan Mills pp 1-10

'The home rule crisis and the arming of the labour movement, 1913-14' by Jeffrey Leddin pp 11-28

'Poetry, protest and propaganda: The First World War told through the experiences of Siegfried Sassoon' by Cliodhna Conboye pp 29-44

'The effect of public opinion on the case of Dr Langley in Nenagh, Co Tipperary 1849 – 1850' by Mary Williams pp 45-58

'Up in smoke: The Nazi anti-tobacco campaign' by Conor Heffernan pp 59-73

'Heroes, villains and scapegoats: understanding Cathal Goulding' by Kenneth Sheehy pp 74-90

'How did medieval beliefs about the spiritual world shape attitudes towards the church and its role in society?' by Aislinn McCabe pp 91-5

"Framing the women": Putting two Tipperary women in the Great War picture' by Alice McDermott pp 96-119

History Studies 13 - Front Matter
History Studies13 Reynolds Supernatural
History Studies 13 - Butterly Rhetoric
History Studies 13 Dooley Entertainment
History Studies 13 Burke Crisis
History Studies 13 Kruse National
History Studies 13 Mealy State-Building
History Studies 13 Buck Venerable
History Studies 13 Ure Immediate
History Studies 13 Back Matter
History Studies 13 Bohan Gender
History Studies 13 Mawe Survey

  • John Reynolds, ‘‘Supernatural manifestations, accompanied by cures’ - the phenomenon of the ‘Templemore miracles’, 1920’, pp 1-24
  • Luke Butterly, ‘Rhetoric and Reality - A History of the Formation of the ‘Domino Theory’, pp 25-46
  • Gerard Dooley, ‘Entertainment in independent Ireland: Evolution of Irish parochial versus commercial dance hall culture’, pp 47-68
  • Sharon E. Burke, ‘A Crisis of the Hearth?’ The Post-War Challenge to Gender Order in France, 1919-1929’, pp 69-90
  • Jutta Kruse, ‘Saving Irish national infants or protecting the infant nation? Irish anti-vaccination discourse, 1900-1930’, pp 91-113
  • Sam Mealy, ‘State-building in the Horn of Africa: the pan-Somali project and Cold War politics during the 1960s’, pp 114-132
  • William Buck, ‘The Venerable John Joseph Steiner: A German-Irish Saint?, pp 133-152
  • Pinar Üre, ‘Immediate Effects of the 1877-1878 Russo-Ottoman War on the Muslims of Bulgaria’, pp 153-170
  • Donna-Marie Bohan, ‘Gender as a destabilising factor of Weimar society’, online supplement
  • Timothy Mawe, ‘A comparative survey of the historical debates surrounding Ireland, World War I and the Irish Civil War’, online supplement

History Studies Volume 12 - 2011
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  • Stephen Bennett, ‘The report of friar John of Plano Carpini: analysis of an intelligence gathering mission conducted on behalf of the Papacy in the mid thirteenth century’, p. 1
  • Angela Ranson, ‘‘Consent not to the wyckednesse’: the contribution of Nicodemites to the Elizabethan church’, p. 15
  • Sophie Cooper, ‘How were the 1641 depositions manipulated in England to persuade the English masses of Catholic persecution?’, p. 28
  • Deirdre Kelly, ‘The origins and inspirations of the celtic revival’, p. 41
  • John O’Donovan, ‘Political violence on Cork: case studies of the Newmarket and Bantry Riots , 1910’, p. 53
  • Vincent O’Connell, ‘Farce and tragedy in Eupen-Malmedy: the public expression of opinion in 1920’, p. 66
  • Gerard Noonan, ‘Supplying an army: IRA gunrunning in Britain during the War of Independence’, p. 80
  • Mel Farrell, ‘A cadre-style party? Cumann na nGaedheal organisation in the constituencies of Clare and Dublin North 1923-27’, p. 93
  • Boris Barth, ‘Consultation and cooperation? NATO’s intra-alliance frictions during the Berlin crisis 1958-1961’, p. 110

History Studies Volume 11 -  2010

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  • Martin John McAndrew, ‘‘Let us in’ – a defense of the Irish ‘general history’’, p. 1
  • Freyne Corbett, ‘The Ulster rebellion of 1641 in County Cavan.’, p. 11
  • Lynsey Wood, ‘Empress Matilda and the anarchy: the problem of royal succession in medieval England’, p. 26
  • Noreen Curtis, ‘A pre-famine murder in County Limerick’, p. 38
  • Chris Cooper, ‘‘A complete acceptance of their domination and demands’: Douglas Hailsham, appeasement and the Anglo-Irish agreement, 1938’’, p. 48
  • David Linden, ‘Activism and philosophy: Conservative revival seen through the National Association for Freedom and the Salisbury Review’, p. 60
  • Gearóid Phelan, ‘‘The big bluff’ or double bluff? Concerned Parents Against Drugs and the Provisional IRA’, p. 68
  • John Sharples, ‘Mass panic and alien invasion -  remembering Orson Welles’ ‘War of the Worlds’ broadcast’, p. 79
  • Stephen Ryan, ‘Shirley Quill – Herself’, p. 90

History Studies Volume 10 - 2009
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  • Canden Schwantez, ‘L. Vitellius Tancinus: an epigraphic commentary’, p. 1
  • Sonya Ocampo-Gooding, ‘Monastic ecclesial reforms and its impact on the early development of the Irish churches’, p. 11
  • Erin Thomas A. Dailey, ‘Reappraising the Synod of Whitby’, p. 31
  • Alexander Lock, ‘The influence of the published works of David Hume in France and Germany in the eighteenth century’, p. 45
  • Karl Cristoph Esser, ‘The trail of escape, 1850-1930: did Irish females benefit from their migration to the United States?’, p. 62
  • Gavin Wilk, ‘Seeking a new beginning: IRA veterans in the United States, 1923-30’, p. 73
  • Ted Rogers, ‘The once and future fascist: British fascism, Churchill, Royalists, and the abdication of Edward VIII’, p. 84
  • Andre Heller, ‘Irish perceptions of Germany 1945-1955’, p. 102
  • Katarzyna Person, ‘Rehabilitation and vocational training among the Jewish community in Shanghai during and immediately after the Second World War’, p. 113

History Studies Volume 9 - 2008
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  • Paul M. Hayes, ‘A Limerick Man and the 1939 IRA Bombing Campaign in England: The Trial of Gerald Wharton’, p. 1
  • Susan Grant, ‘Fizkul'tura in the Construction of the New Soviet Youth, 1924-1934’, p. 10
  • Bryce Evans, ‘Moral neutrality, Moral economy: The black market in Emergency Ireland’, p. 23
  • Andrew Kennedy, ‘Florence Nightingale and Charles West: Conflicting Visions of Children's Nursing’, p. 38
  • Fiona Devoy, ‘The Mansion House Conference: Ireland's 'First National Cabinet'’, p. 47
  • Alice Johnson, ‘The 1852 British Association visit to Belfast: A case-study in civic pride’, p. 63

History Studies Volume 8 - 2007
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  • Owen McGee, ‘Soldiers and propagandists: the impact of the American Fenian Brotherhood on Irish Politics’, Volume 8, 2007, 1
  • Elizabeth Heggs, ‘Liberal Catholic ideology: an exposition of the Political catechism by Thomas Wyse’, p. 17
  • Meryn McLaren, ‘Community building in West German refugee camps 1945-1960’, p. 29
  • Sarah McNamara, ‘Crown of glory or crown of thorns: Middle-class women in and through print in Limerick 1830-40’, p. 39
  • Michel Jacques Gagné, ‘Deconstructing the sectarian epic: The Northern Ireland civil rights movement and the world beyond Irish shores 1963-1969’, p. 53
  • Alex McKillican, ‘Seán South from Garryowen’, p. 68
  • Conor Mulvagh, ‘Amicable in tone yet fruitless in result: politicians, press and public and the Buckingham Palace Conference, 1914’, p. 77
  • Sukaina Haider, ‘A notable absence of hostility?: Attitudes towards the Irish in Dundee 1865-1925’, p. 93
  • Justin Dolan Stover, ‘Delaying division: Eoin MacNeill, John Redmond and the Irish Volunteers’, p. 111

History Studies Volume 7 - 2006
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  • Dominic Haugh, ‘The Bottom Dog and the Bishop’s Crozier’: The Catholic hierarchy and the trade union movement in Limerick, 1916-22’, p. 1
  • Tomás Finn, ‘Priests, poetry and politics: Tuairim in Limerick, 1959-75’, p. 15
  • James Lees , ‘Improvising empire: economic retrenchment, armed force and local government in Bengal, 1765-1810’, p. 31
  • Ron Sookram, ‘Culture and identity of the Indian community in Grenada, 1857-1960’, p. 42
  • Kieran Hoare, ‘Guilds in Irish towns, 1450-1534’, p. 53
  • Gerald Power, ‘An expression of Old English identity: Richard Nugent’s Cynthia (1604)’, p. 66
  • Ken Bergin, ‘Archives in the Glucksman Library at the University of Limerick’, p. 82

History Studies Volume 6 - 2005
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  • Catherine Lawless, ‘Images, piety and women in late medieval devotion: The Hunt Crucifixion with Saint Claire’, p. 2
  • Neil P. Maddox, ‘Commemorating the Siege: The Williamite marching tradition in nineteenth century Derry’, p. 18
  • Mel Cousins, ‘Poor Law politics and elections in post-Famine Ireland’, p. 34
  • Timothy Harding, ‘Ireland’s queen of chess: Frideswide Rowland and her world’, p. 48
  • Conor Reidy, ‘Borstal boys: the institution at Clonmel, 1906-1914’, p. 64
  • Conor McCabe, ‘The politics of The New Way, ‘a modern paper for modern methods’, 1917-1919’, p. 79
  • Matthew Potter, ‘Limerick corporation and the provision of social housing, 1887-2005’, p. 91

History Studies Volume 5 - 2004
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  • John O’Callaghan, ‘Politics, policy and history: history teaching in Irish secondary schools 1922-70’, p. 3
  • Deirdra McCracken, ‘The white woman’s business: A look at the influence of British women on the decolonisation process and their prominent role in British imperial history’, p. 16
  • Jennifer Moore, ‘Newtown Pery – the antithesis to Corporation corruption and the birth of a new city in eighteenth century Limerick’, p. 28
  • Matthew Tobin, ‘‘A very brisk month of canvassing and caucusing’ Episcopal appointments in the diocese of Limerick 1825-1917’, p. 50
  • Máirtín Mac Con Íomaíre, ‘A history of seafood in Irish cuisine and culture’, p. 61
  • John Maguire, ‘Internment, the IRA and the Lawless Case in Ireland 1957-61’, p. 77
  • Lorna Moloney, ‘Conquered lands: The manifestation of MacNamaras’ Clare, c1250-c1500’, p. 101

History Studies Volume 4 - 2003
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  • Catherine O’Connor, ‘Women and the Rebellion, Wexford 1798’, p. 1
  • Matthew Tobin, ‘A study of Priest’s wills in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Limerick (1878-1917)’, p. 17
  • Declan Jackson, ‘Fianna Fáil and the creation of its identity (1926-31)’, p. 33
  • John Maguire ‘An attempt to realise defined political goals or a continuation of the physical force tradition? An assessment of the IRA’s decision to launch the border campaign (1956-62)’, p. 49
  • Dagmar Reschke, ‘The origins, history and recent development of flamenco: From minority folklore to universally recognised art form’, p. 62
  • John Paul McCarthy, ‘‘The lion of the hour’ Themes in the political philosophy of Dr. Oscar Douglas Skelton (1910-41)’, p. 80
  • Ann O’Riordan, ‘The concept of tradition and narrative: A theoretical analysis based on the stories of Miss Jean Laffan’, p. 97

History Studies Volume 3 - 2001
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  • Sean Patrick Donlan, ‘Society and Sympathy: Edmund Burke's Scottish Enlightenment’, p. 1
  • Brian T. Kirby, ‘Civic Identity and Corporate Identity in Waterford City in the Eighteenth Century’, p. 15
  • Paul Montgomery, ‘Delirium and Disease: The History of Masturbation in the Nineteenth Century’, p. 30
  • Neil Jakob, ‘Myth, Memory and the Frontkämpfer of the Great War in German History’, p. 42
  • John E. Duggan, ‘Education and the Catholic Church in the Irish Free State’, p. 59
  • Michael Farrelly, ‘Paddy on the Screen: Reactions to Cinematic Representations of Ireland’, p. 81
  • Gabriel B. Paquette, ‘The 1917 Russian Revolution in British Political Thought and Literature. 1918-1936: A Study in the History of Ideas’, p. 95
  • Peter Barnes, ‘Romania in 2000: A Look Back and a Look Forward’, p. 116

History Studies Volume 2 - 2000
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  • Seán-Pól MacCárthaigh, ‘In hope and fear: the Victorian prison in perspective’, p. 1
  • Howard B. Clarke, ‘Kingdom, emporium and town: the impact of Viking Dublin’, p. 13
  • Jason Begley, ‘Physical-force or parliamentarianism?: Arthur Griffith and the rise of Sinn Féin’, p. 25
  • Lauryl B. Green, ‘Unveiling the cloisters: Augustinian nunneries in twelfth century Ireland’, p. 37
  • Mícheál Ó hAodha, ‘Celtic and Christian cures: healing wells in County Limerick’, p. 50
  • Jérome aan de Wiel, ‘From ‘castle’ bishop to ‘moral leader’?: Edward O'Dwyer and Irish nationalism, 1914-7’, p. 55
  • Annetta Stack, ‘Relinquishing educational dominance: the Catholic Church and Irish secondary schools’, p. 69
  • Gerard Downes, ‘Carthagian Peace: the Treaty of Versailles, 1919’, p. 78
  • Heather Jones, ‘The Treaty of Rapallo: an assessment of Weimar foreign policy, 1922’, p. 84
  • Alexander Gray, ‘The United Fruit Company: United States intervention in Central America. 1899-1970’, p. 94
  • Mark Downes, ‘Resurgence of Islam: the Iranian revolution, 1979’, p. 102
  • Rory Keane, ‘Institutions, ideologies and principles: Balkan nationalism,1918-90’, p. 110

History Studies Volume 1 - 1999
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  • Edward Horgan, ‘The silence of the birds: Zoltan's Holocaust’, p. 1
  • William O’Brien, ‘The death of the others: reflections on the Nazi use of genocide and eugenics to create a Master Race’, p. 8
  • Andreas Roth, ‘The Holocaust’, p. 21
  • David A. Fleming, ‘‘With burning anguish’: the Vatican, the Jews and the Third Reich, 1933-45’, p. 31
  • Janet Power, ‘Mothers of the Fatherland: women and National Socialism in Germany’, p. 41
  • Jack Anderson, ‘Corinthian or Philistine?: a history of modem sport’, p. 48
  • William Sexton, ‘A troubled relationship: the influence of the West on Russian History’, p. 57
  • Maura Cronin, ‘Who fears to speak?: changing patterns of remembering ’Ninety-Eight’, p. 69
  • Gerard Downes, ‘Yugoslavia: the first two thousand years’, p. 83
  • Edward Horgan, ‘The road to Kosovo: the Balkan wars 1991-8’, p. 96

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The Head of School is Dr David Fleming
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