A photo of a woman with brown hair and black top against a dark background
Tuesday, 15 October 2024

In the latest instalment of our Alumni Spotlight series to mark Maths Week, we feature graduate of UL’s BSc in Financial Mathematics, Rhea Connellan. Now a Supply Chain Manager at Regeneron, Rhea shares how a love of numbers and logic led her to choose this course and how studying Financial Mathematics offers a solid base and pathway to a wide range of careers and industries.  

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Rhea Connellan, living in Ennis, Co Clare. I attended UL from 2007 to 2011 where I studied Financial Mathematics. Currently, I am a Supply Chain Manager at Regeneron in Limerick.

I’m originally from Shannon and I attended St. Patrick’s Comprehensive School. Throughout secondary school it became very clear where my strengths lay – numbers made sense to me. I always loved the logic behind solving a problem, be it in maths, accounting or physics and I was very fortunate to have incredible teachers who helped me to develop my passion.  

Why did you choose UL and to study Financial Mathematics?

There was never a doubt that I wanted to pursue a career that leveraged my skills and my siblings had already attended and excelled in UL so there was no other college on my radar. It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge that the legendary social scene and infamous RAG week may have influenced me slightly! 

Financial Mathematics earned first place on my CAO form, it ticked all the boxes - not just numbers, but a broad range of modules to build on my mathematics skill set and exposure to computer software, statistics and accounting. The career prospects are extremely varied and applicable to many industries.

What did you enjoy most about the course?

There was a super mix of subjects and while admittedly, some were a lot more difficult than others, overall the course offered a fantastic mix of challenging and rewarding learning experiences. 

I surprised myself by how much I enjoyed certain modules, computer science for one – never would I have envisaged that Java coding would appeal to me. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the logical nature of it and up to the present day, I leverage these learnings writing VBA script in Excel.  

What did you enjoy about UL? What is student life like here?

Student life offered the perfect balance  work hard, play hard. From Thursday nights in the Lodge, RAG week, to Student Race Day we had plenty of opportunity to socialise. Undoubtedly, the overall experience of living with friends, our newfound independence and the experiences shared over the course of the four years are what I enjoyed most.

Are there any campus locations that hold special significance for you?

The world class facilities available to students at UL ensure there is never a dull moment on campus. I loved the gym and pool, it was the perfect way to unwind after a study session or indeed pass the time between lectures on the quieter days. I think the Stables, however, for a lot of past and present UL students, will always hold a special place in their hearts.

How did UL support you throughout your studies?

Our class size was relatively small which had the benefit of very interactive lectures, an opportunity to build great relationships with our professors and fantastic comradery amongst classmates. Teamwork was often evident in the Student Union, the computer lab or library, where we rallied the troops to get a project over the line, meet a deadline or a last-minute cramming session fuelled by hot chicken rolls. Reminiscing, it's the fun and friendships forged that dominate my greatest memories. 

What career pathways can students expect from the BSc in Financial Mathematics?

This course opens many doors which span far beyond the financial sector of trading, banking, and accounting to careers in teaching, business analytics, tech, and supply chain. This course offers a solid base and pathway to so many career opportunities - the world really is your oyster.

Tell us about your own career journey so far?

I graduated from UL in 2011, in the middle of a recession. I was very fortunate to find myself in a permanent position in a multinational company within a very short space of time. I believe this was a testament to the highly accredited nature of a UL degree. 

I worked in this industrial environment for 7 years where I gained invaluable experience across a range of functions from accounting to business analytics and I ultimately found my home in Supply Chain. I continued to build on my experience within Supply Chain when I made the move into the fast-paced world of Consumer Electronics where I spent a further 2 years.  

It was during Covid in 2020 when I transitioned into the world of Pharma. I began working in Regeneron, in the Supply Chain department, in September 2020. Moving into a completely different and highly regulated industry, all from the ‘comfort’ of my spare room during a global pandemic, involved embracing the steep learning curve but I have never looked back.

It has been a roller coaster four years,
 never a dull moment but I find the cross functional interactions that my job entails including working with GXP manufacturing, regulatory, QA, QC, commercial product supply and process sciences hugely rewarding. It is a very exciting space to work in, with vast career progression opportunities.

How did your UL course and your overall UL experience prepare you for entering the workplace upon graduating?

My time at UL equipped me with the skill set not only to excel in the workplace by leveraging my knowledge but also to do so with a positive attitude. It taught me the true value of working collaboratively and most importantly, it highlighted how having fun along the way is critical to your success. 

What advice would you give to students considering a career in the area of Financial Mathematics?

Take the leap  yes, it will involve commitment and hard work, but it is well worth it.

What are your hopes and plans for the future?

I truly love what I do and I hope to continue to progress building my business acumen and industry knowledge. I am very fortunate to work at Regeneron where career development is encouraged and supported so much.

passionate about supporting STEM initiatives, and Regeneron as a company is renowned for our commitment to nurturing and inspiring the next generation of scientists. It is fantastic to see so many women excel in this STEM space and I had the great pleasure of representing Regeneron at the last iWish conference which showcases the power of STEM to teenage girls.

I'm committed to lifelong learning and each day in my role I'm gaining such valuable life experience. I hope to continue learning and aspire to be a future leader in my field, inspiring others around me and in particular the next generation of female leaders.